Page 40 of The One
I felt a lot better after letting the hot water ease the ache in my cock, but somebody was grumpy as hell when I stepped out of the shower. Wasn’t she the one running when I came through the door? My how the mighty have fallen. Here’s the thing about my girl, she can go all night and then some. Three rounds are a damn snack for her; she acts like she’s never had dick before, no fucking etiquette, pun intended.
But I wasn’t kidding when I said her shit made me sore. That’s what I get for bottoming out in her with each stroke; she’s got some untapped places inside her that have never been touched; I can feel it in the way she responds when I go there. My dick knows it too, and that’s why his happy ass is in this condition. Her cat scratched the shit out of him. That’s okay, though; I’m gonna call a rematch once I recover and put her ass in traction. “Stop sulking. Aren’t you hungry?” Her eyes lit up at my question, and I could just imagine where her thoughts had gone. “For food Stephanie, food.”
Food my ass! I think I just found my new sure-fire diet. I have only one hunger right now, and it has nothing to do with filling my mouth with steak and potatoes, but how do I get him to agree? Whining hasn’t worked, and neither has pouting. The fiend had even gone so far as to shut me out of the shower.
We’ll see the next time he wants some; I just might be too tired. Of course, I have my doubts about that working. Hasn’t he proven to both of us that I have no holdout against him? “It’s not fair.” Okay, one last sulk isn’t gonna hurt.
“What’s not fair?” He stopped with the shirt he’d taken from the walk-in closet, my walk-in closet halfway up his arm.
I felt giddy just at the thought of some of his things hanging next to mine. He’d left a shirt here the first time, choosing to wear just the tee-shirt he’d worn under it the night before, and I took it to the cleaners and hung it up in there as a subtle hint that it was fine. Now there were three or four of his shirts and a pair of jeans in there with my girly stuff.
We’re not talking about that now, though; in fact, we never have, nor did we talk about exchanging house keys, but we’ve done that as well. Nat couldn’t lecture me about moving too fast because she’d practically moved in with Jaxxon, but that’s a whole other story; I have to stay focused when bargaining with this one; he’s slippery.
“When I’m sore, we don’t stop.” My bottom lip got longer even when he squinted at me suspiciously.
“And whose fault is that? When I tell you to stop, what do you do?” He had me there.
I gave him the big owl eyes like I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, though.
Of course, I’m always twitchy around him; what does he expect? Ms. Kitty ain’t never had it so good, and I’m not about to deal with her miserable ass if she doesn’t get her full portion. Right now, she’s starting her crap, so I walked over to the dresser and found some underwear to cover her up so I could get some peace because Mace wasn’t giving in.
He’d tried something new tonight, and we were both excited to try it again, Ms. Kitty and I, that is, but he was being difficult. “Fine, keep your selfish dick to yourself. I’m going on strike for the next week.” I didn’t appreciate his snort of disbelief. “What? You think I can’t hold out that long?” His ‘whatever’ look was not acceptable, and I made up my mind to stick to my guns.
“You wanna put money on that?” Uh-oh, he had that look in his eyes. Why do men always take everything as a challenge? Can’t back down now, though, or his dick would get too big for his britches.
“I’ll bet you a hundred bucks I can go a whole week without….”
“Without what?”
“Without begging you for dick,” I mumbled the last line because it’s embarrassing. I stuck my nose in the air and finished getting dressed, feeling smugly sure of myself and my ability to win this fight. After all, I’ve gone without for much longer and didn’t suffer any.
I’d forgotten something, though, I had two enemies in the camp, Mace and Ms. Kitty, and they both tag teamed me. All through dinner, he was sweet as pie, nothing unusual about that, he always is, and that’s why I love him to bits. He fed me dessert while keeping his arm around me at the table where we didn’t care who watched us. We were in our own little world.