Page 33 of The One
I’d called Mace as soon as I reached the office like he’d asked, and he’d actually answered and didn’t rush me off the phone or anything either. I was half expecting the brush-off, and instead, he made plans for us for that night. Nothing fancy, just dinner and back to his place, and before he hung up, he said, “pack an overnight bag,” and Ms. Kitty purred. She was ready for more cream, I guess.
All-day, I walked around on cloud nine, I couldn’t wait for the day to be over so I could see Mace again, and then I got the phone call. When my assistant told me it was my ex-mother-in-law, I couldn’t think of any reason that woman would be calling me. But years of ingrained conditioning had me picking up the phone.
“I hear you’ve been making a spectacle of yourself, young lady. How dare you carry on like that while wearing our name?”
“Uh, actually, I went back to my maiden name after the divorce.”
“That is not the point. Everyone in this town knows you were once married to my son. It’s bad enough you’ve embarrassed him with this divorce nonsense, but now you’ve taken up with some stranger that no one knows about.”
By that, she meant my nosy neighbors on either side who have been keeping tabs on me for her since I moved in two years ago. I wanted so badly to tell her where to get off, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, even as horrible a woman as she is and has been to me. All those years in etiquette training had muted me to the point that I actually get physically ill just thinking about telling her off.
Ms. Kitty, on the other hand, was not having it. ‘Is that the hag? Tell that bitch to jump. Tell her and her no dick offspring to kick rocks, hang up the phone; we have a date with baby daddy tonight, we don’t need old sourpuss mucking up the works.’
“Listen, I have to go.”
“What? I haven’t finished saying what I had to say.”
“I’m sorry, I’m really busy right now.”
‘Tell that bitch to yeet.’ I don’t know which of us hung up the phone on my ex-mother-in-law, but she was still squawking when I hit the end button.
Shit, I probably shouldn’t have let Mace kiss me on the front steps like that. I knew there was a chance….my phone rang again, this time on my personal line. “Nat, where the hell have you been all weekend?”
“Giiiirrrrlllll!” I knew from that one word and the way that she said it that she got her some.
“You didn’t!”
“Yes, the hell I did.”
“With the bouncer?”
“He’s not a bouncer; he’s the head of security for all of Mace’s businesses. Anyway, I’m just calling to let you know I’m alive. I’ve gotta run; I got a court case in an hour. Drinks this evening?”
“I can’t; I have a date with baby daddy.”
“Ooh, raincheck, and I want all the deets; we’ll compare notes.” She hung up the phone, and just that quick, my spirits were lifted. No way am I going to let Henry and his hagfish of a mother derail my future happiness.
And I am happy, so happy in fact, that I don’t remember ever feeling this way, ever. I’ve never had a man make me feel so loved, cherished, and adored. If a man has sex with you that often it’s gotta mean something, right. Only I wouldn’t know, because I’ve never had that with anyone before. I’ll remember to ask Nat the next time we talk, but I’m sure it’s gotta mean something.
And if we’re measuring based on that, well, I’d say I hit a home run. I gotta say, though, Ms. Kitty sure does the extreme. From no dick to monster cock and no in-between.
‘Oh hell no, you ain’t about to pin your asshole loser ex on me. That was all you. You fell for the Okie-Doke and put me through Dante’s seven levels of hell. Now it’s my time, so you just make sure you don’t screw this up or early menopause; here I come.’
Not gonna lie; Ms. Kitty can be a real bitch sometimes.
‘I heard that!’
“Can I ask you a question?” It figures! She’d turned my brain into mush; now, she’s moving in for the kill.
“You can ask me anything. What is it?” I took the finger she was busy trailing patterns on my chest with and brought it to my lips. I’m surprised she could talk, seeing as how I was still trying to catch my breath.
We were both sweaty, our bodies clinging to each other. One of her legs rested on my wet, tired dick keeping me trapped beneath her. “Speak, baby.” This ought to be good. I’d learned in the last week that when she hesitated like this, whatever was about to come out of her mouth would be one for the books. I’m still piecing together the conversations she’s been having with her pussy which are more entertaining than anything I’ve seen on the screen in recent years.