Page 32 of The One
It went like that most of the night. I lost count of how many times I woke up in the night and rolled over and into her. And each time, she was right there with me, even when she was half asleep. I had her on her stomach with a pillow stuffed under her when she was too tired to help, on her side with me drilling her from behind.
I didn’t stop until my dick revolted and refused to lift his head again, the bastard. Then I used my tongue and fingers to get her off, and now here we are. We’d taken a shower together, both of us having to go to our respective jobs, and one look at her ass which she tried her best to hide from me in the daylight, and I took her down again after snatching the towel from around her.
She was hot and swollen, and I know I should leave her alone at least for a day or two, but my dick was on some other shit. He’d gone on a search and destroy mission all on his own, and her pussy was paying the price. There’s also something else, her pussy keeps defeating me. I keep telling myself and her that I’m going to put the beat down on her shit, and each time I last maybe half an hour if I’m lucky, especially if I fuck her doggie style.
Seeing her perfect ass bounce as she slams herself back on my cock just starts me shooting off inside her in defeat. That’s another thing; I keep forgetting to suit up. She’d mentioned sometime in the early morning that she’d just finished her period, and even knowing what I knew about her wanting a baby, I trusted her on that, don’t ask me why.
And besides, fucking her any other way but raw now would be like a caffeine addict suddenly switching to decaf. But you know what, fuck all the excuses, her pussy is the warmest silkiest shit I ever felt wrapped around my thirteen inches of steel. But I’m not leaving this bed until I put that shit in submission.
After I balled her and deposited, I don’t know which number load this was; I really had to go, and so did she. We got dressed, me in the clothes I wore the night before and she in some hot as fuck skirt suit that clung to all her curves with a silk blouse underneath that buttoned all the way up to the top, making her look like a prim and proper businesswoman until you got to the fuck me heels she wore that made her calves look amazing.
She’d done some shit to her hair that pulled it back off her face and left her sparkling eyes on display, and all the sex had added a glow that was hard to miss. I tongued her down on her front steps in front of her neighbors before walking her to her car, a cute little Miata in fire engine red that was just perfect for the kickass woman she is.
“Call me when you get to the office; let me know you reached okay.” She seemed shocked by my request, like no one had ever asked that of her before. “Problem?” For an answer, she squealed and threw herself into my arms. Oh yeah, I’ma have to double up on vitamins.
‘You is naaaasty!’ Ms. Kitty started as soon as I got behind the wheel.
‘What are you talking about now?’
‘I think he made some new rooms in here.’
‘What? That doesn’t even make any sense.’
‘You know when people buy houses, and they have those little itty-bitty rooms, and they knock down walls to make the rooms bigger? I think that’s what he did in here.
What’s that back there? Oh, shit, is that your womb? No wonder you couldn’t get pregnant before; it was hidden back there from that little bitty thing you used to be married to.’ Will she ever let me live that down?
‘I got you a nice one this time.’
‘And I thank you, now don’t fuck it up. Remember, we got a deal. You don’t fuck with my shit; I don’t fuck with yours.
By the way, what was that tsunami that came through here last night? It was white and thick and creamy.’
‘That was sperm, cum.’
“You mean the watery thing the other one used to do, trickle?”
‘Get out. Well, that bastard went in every nook and cranny I have, let me tell you. Some’s still in there right now, hiding, like he’s waiting to jump out at something.’ Sometimes I wonder about Ms. Kitty.
I walked around all day in a semi-dazed state to the point that some of my staff commented. I lied and said I was a bit tired from working out, which caused a lot of raised eyebrows because everyone knows I hate anything to do with exercise and for sure won’t be doing it long enough or hard enough to cause injury, which I was walking like I had.