Page 26 of Pick Love
“I know he’s a good one.” That’s not my problem. We might want to be together. It doesn’t mean it could work.
“Walk me over. You can ask him for yourself.” I go with her.
“Can’t I wait for him to bring it up?” I hate how shy I suddenly am.
“If you want. I’m sure he’ll say something.”
I nod. “Sometimes I feel like I know Leo so well, which is crazy because it’s been such a short time.”
“Girl, trust me, I know.” Wow. She really has fallen for Hudson. Serena is good at hiding her emotions.
“I still doubt it, though. If it’s all in my head and I’ve made it bigger than it is. I mean, I think I know Leo, but I also don’t think he’s the kind of man to sign up for a dating show.”
“Oh, I know the answer to that one. He knows one of the producers. Her name is Binnie. He did it as a favor. Overheard that earlier. They were talking. She’s here somewhere. The tiny redhead. Kinda makes sense. Leo has had an I don’t want to be here vibe from the start.”
I think Serena believes that information will help. It only freaks me out more. He could have been acting this whole time. This was a favor he did for a friend. Serena pulls open the door to Conference Room C.
Curtains are pulled up blocking off the interview area. They staged these set areas for them. I spot the redhead Serena must have been talking about. She brings her finger to her mouth to tell us to be quiet. We both nod. My ears perk up when I hear Leo’s voice. He’s still recording.
“So, are you going to tell us? Are you in love?” the interviewer asks Leo. Both Serena and I lock eyes.
“That’s not something I’m going to answer,” Leo responds.
“What if I told you that we asked her the same question and she answered? Would you want to know her response?”
“No,” Leo says without missing a beat.
“You’re really not going to give us anything?”
“It’s a reality show. I’ve given all I can.”
“Well, some might say—”
“Binnie.” Leo cuts the guy off. “Can I go home now? I’ve answered a million questions.”
“Chill, a few more and you’re free,” the redhead says, stepping around the curtain to talk to Leo. I quickly slip out of the room. Serena follows after me.
“Hey, I wouldn’t put much into that.”
“Serena, you can actually go into Area D. It’s open now.” Nina comes walking down the hallway. “Here.” She hands me a packet. “Plane tickets. You have to catch three flights to get home? That’s insane.”
“Yeah, it’s not an easy spot to get to.” I’d taken four technically to get to the island.
“I don’t know how you live in the middle of nowhere like that.” Nina shakes her head. “Come on.” She motions for Serena to get going to the other conference room.
“Don’t go anywhere.” Serena points her finger at me as she goes.
How can I not put much into what Leo said? He wants to be free. I’m far from free. I’m chained down to one place. It’s not a chain I want out of, either. Do I really think there is a chance Leo would ever consider moving for me? You have to want to live that kind of life. It’s not for everyone.
My own mother couldn't be bothered to stay. Why would anyone else?
“Why wouldn’t you give me the I love her on camera?” Binnie whines as the assistant unhooks me from all the sound stuff. It’s taking way too long, but I remind myself that this is the last task I have to do before I’m free. “The ratings would be so good. We could sell that there is a real-life couple that got together.”
“The first time I say those words isn’t going to be on camera when I haven’t even said it to her.”
I roll my neck to ease the tension. I’m sick of this camera stuff. If I never see another lens in my lifetime, I’ll die a happy man.
“You have too much money.” Binnie rises from her chair and walks with me toward the exit.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“If you were poor, I could bribe you with things like a reward vacation or something like that.”
“Basically, you’re saying you wish that I was more financially vulnerable so you could manipulate me.”
“Or control you, yes.” She’s shameless. “Anyway, if you were a true friend”—she holds up a hand when I start to interrupt—“I know. I know. I’m a vulture. You have to be in this business but fine, go. Don’t forget to send me an invitation to the wedding.”
“Where is she?”
“Area F probably? That’s the off-loading zone. Tell her that I welcome her to the family.”
I give her a chin nod and push my way through the door. Based on my memory, Area F is about a mile away. There are golf carts that can take me there, but none are available, and I don’t want to wait. It’s nice out, so I set off on a brisk pace. It doesn’t take more than about ten minutes for me to arrive at Area F but when I enter the large studio space, it’s empty but for a couple of staffers wearing lanyards and holding tablets.