Page 25 of Pick Love
“Is that a hickey?”
“What?” I slap my hand to my neck. How did I miss that? I spent an hour in hair and makeup without noticing it. Did Leo really leave a hickey on me? I honestly wouldn’t be shocked. The sexy tech geek has a very dominant possessive side to him that simmers under the surface. I should probably be upset about it, but I kinda like the idea of him leaving his mark on me.
“Got you.” Serena gives me an evil smile. “I take it you enjoyed your tent time?”
“I was enjoying it,” I huff. We got locked away for about twelve hours before they had to evacuate us. I wish we could have stayed in our little cocoon forever.
The storm was going to be much bigger than they realized. The forecast for the next few days showed heavy rains and wind. There was no way we could stay in the tents. We didn’t even have bathrooms in them. Once the decision was made, we all scrambled to get our crap together before they got us the hell off the island. Don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful there, but I’m so over the cameras. Now we’re in LA waiting to hear what we’ll be doing next.
The women had been separated from the men. All of us had to do interviews with production people who have been asking us random questions. That was hella awkward. I’m glad that’s over.
They held nothing back in their questions. It ranged from why Penelope and I did not get along to if I was in love with Leo. Which I totally am. I admitted as much because I knew when they asked, my face likely showed my answer anyway. Then they went and asked where we’d go from here. That one question I didn’t have an answer to.
“I don’t know what the point of these interviews are. I think this whole thing is going to be a bust.”
“Hopefully they will set us free.” Anna drops down in a chair next to us. She has a bad case of cabin fever. She’s a wild animal needing to be released from the cage. I bet she normally runs miles a day on a tennis court. Her legs are a testament to that. “I was stuck in a tent with Emile. The man never stops talking.”
“With Emile?” I didn’t think Anna and Emile shared a tent.
“You”—Anna points to Serena—“owe me for that. I had Hudson before the swap. He was chill. Nice and quiet.”
“Wait, you tent swapped?” I ask. This time it’s Serena whose cheeks turn pink.
“Hudson isn’t quiet.” My mouth falls open. Anna bursts into laughter.
“And here I thought all those grunts were coming from Leo.”
“You could hear!” I put my hands over my face. The cameras might have been gone, but I hadn’t thought about how close everyone was around us. On one hand, I’m slightly embarrassed, but on the other, I’m not. Now it should be crystal clear to everyone that Leo is mine. Not that it matters at this point since we’re most likely heading home.
“Like I said. Could have been Hudson. Serena said he’s not quiet.”
“You and Hudson hooked up?” Nina pops out of nowhere to join our conversation.
“Me and my big mouth,” Serena mutters.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She glances down at the tablet in her hand. “Good, neither of you have done your exit interviews.” She points out to Serena and Nina.
“Can we leave? I did my exit interview. Is this over? What’s happening?” Anna stands, ready to get the hell out of here.
“If you did your exit interview that should be all. I have someone working on transports back home now.” She motions across the conference room we’re in to a table with a man and a woman at it with laptops. “You can speak with them.”
“Thanks,” Anna throws over her shoulder, heading for the table already.
“You can head down to Conference Room C, Serena. They’re about ready for you. Leo is almost done with his interview.”
“Yippee.” Serena sighs. Nina heads off, leaving us alone. “You’re not going to see about getting out of here?”
“I, ah—” I glance to the table not in a hurry to get anywhere now.
“You guys haven’t had the talk yet? If this was all fun or if it’s serious?” Serena asks.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“I mean he says stuff when we’re like, you know.”
“Banging it out?”
“You put it so elegantly.”
“You think it might just be dirty bedroom talk? He seems rather possessive of you. I’ve been around a lot of men. I can normally get a read on them quickly. He’s one of the good ones. And from what I can see, that man is totally into you.” I do believe that Leo is into me, but my fear is that won’t be enough. Our real lives are so different.