Page 36 of Oath of Redemption
I sit in silence, soaking up all of the information, Jessie has to offer. Although he’s young, a year younger than Julian, he’s the best there is at tracking. He can find any lead that’s gone cold just as effectively as he can make any man disappear. He’s proven his worth time and time again under my father, but he actually gained respect with me. I knew he was worth putting time and effort into and now, he’s one of my most effective weapons.
All the men in the car are.
My eyes flick to each of them, muting out their conversations. They each know where they stand beside me in the ranks. I’d chosen them years ago; hand picked them the moment they took the Omerta. Andrea was smart and well respected by both the old and new Capos—He was to be my underboss. Donatello was my consigliere; although goofy as hell, he thought quickly, seeing all angles of situations to find the best course of action, all while being able to kill a man with his bare hands. Julian was already in line to be a Capo, but I’d had already been giving him jobs that strengthened our ties with the Bratva, training him for a task only he could fulfill that far surpassed the role of Capo.
As the SUV came to a stop out of sight of Gavino’s men, but in walking distance of Gregory’s, I pushed the thoughts aside. Now wasn’t the time for it. We wordlessly exit the vehicle as more of my men pull up behind us, filing out of their rigs to stand around me, waiting for my orders.
The sky is growing dark, dusk settling over the tops of the trees and providing the perfect cover for us to sneak in.
“Kill anyone that doesn’t surrender. They are to be considered as traitors.” My order hangs in the cool breeze, head nodding. “Beverly is to be unharmed, and Gavino is mine.” My eyes meet each of theirs, slowly, deliberately. “Besides that, no method of death is too brutal.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
The priest before us shifts on his feet, his fingers trembling as he holds his bible in his hands. He refuses to meet my gaze; even he knows what he is doing is wrong. A bird caws in the distance, a flock rushing from the trees at the other end of the house. My eyes shift in that direction just as a made man jogs toward us.
“What? What is it?” Gavino’s hand angrily wipes at the blood still dripping down the side of his head, frowning at the man.
If could probably break free from his hold if I tried, but I know it’s futile with so many men around, and I’m hesitant after what happened last time.
“There’s news of your father.” He huffs out, breathing hard from running. “He’s decided to—” His eyes flick to me then back, “Retire.”
“What?” It’s a whisper, but it comes out as strongly as a yell, the shock in Gavino’s voice obvious.
I smile beneath the duct tape, a laugh slowly working its way out of my chest. If their father is dead,Remy is Capo Famiglia.My face burns as it’s slapped to the side, my already bruised cheek screaming, but I only hiss, amusement still burning in my ribs.
“Hurry up.” Gavino’s voice rasps at the priest, his free hand waving at him impatiently. “Marry us.”
As he says it, there’s a pop on the breeze, the familiar sound of a gunshot floating toward us.
“Hurry up!” His face is red, hand trembling where it grips my arm, fingers sinking painfully into my bicep.
“She needs to be able to speak.” The priest says, his breathing starting to quicken as more gunshots ring through the air.
My eyes squeeze shut, a hoarse, “ow”, hissing through my teeth as the duct tape is ripped off.
“There. Get on with it.”
My bound hands rise, my fingers rubbing at my sore lips. “It won’t matter. Remy is already here.”
“Shut up!” Gavino all but screams, his furious gaze narrowing on the priest.
“To love, you must both enter your life together with—”
The priest’s shaky words are interrupted by Gavino’s hollered, “Skip to the end!”
Shots have grown louder, the sound of men yelling just on the other side of the house making Gavino’s head whip around.
“Do you, Gavino Luciano, take this woman, Beverly Esposito, to be your lawful wedded wife?” The priest jumps at the slamming of doors in the house and the scream of a man that’s cut short.
“I do.” It’s said as Gavino yanks me closer, his hot breath puffing quickly on my face, his eyes flickering nervously to our surroundings.
“And do you, Beverly Esposito, take this man, Gavino Luciano, to be your lawful wedded husband?”
I smile at Gavino, hearing the footsteps running toward us in the house. He shakes me hard, whispering through his teeth, “Say it.”
My lips brush his as he bends low, “I’d rather hang from the rafters than spend another second breathing the same air as you.”