Page 35 of Oath of Redemption
Boots pound on the floorboards, Donatello, Andrea, and Julian’s head’s coming into view behind Wolf’s.
“What is the meaning of this?” My father bellows behind me, a sideways glance seeing him move forward toward us.
My eyes flick to each of theirs individually, my chest rising and falling, heart pounding as I get the wordless confirmation I need from each one. Without another thought, I draw the gun from the back of my waistband and aim it at my father, pressing the tip against his chest.
His movements halt, eyes narrowing as he looks between me and the other men.
“Gather my father’s men.” I don’t dare take my eyes off of him, my teeth grinding when he presses harder into my gun with challenge. “His time asCapo Famigliais done.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
We’re running out of time.
I know that. But I have to handle my father, and his men before I can proceed with handling Gavino.
The tension in the room is thick as fog as I stand before my father, his eyes bleeding with rage where he’s strapped to a chair. His underboss and consultant are beside him, equally pissed as Andrea and Julian hold them at gunpoint. Donatello is set to arrive at the warehouse any moment with my father’s Capo’s.
None of them fought us bringing them here. I think we all knew that at some point this would be how my father and I exchanged positions. We’d always had a volatile relationship. One ruled predominantly with a heavy hand for violence. I was raised to take over theFamigliaone day—it was my brith right.
TheFamigliaalways does what’s best for theFamiglia.
And I was the embodiment of the Famiglia.
Flicking my eyes over to Julian, his jaw is tight as he stares down his gun barrel into his father’s face, his hand untrembling as he stands at my side. He doesn’t show it, but I’m sure there is a war brewing inside of his chest over the situation. Even so, I know I can trust him to what needs to be done. We hear them before we see them, the scraping of boots filing into the warehouse. It echoes inside of the nearly empty room, bouncing along the concrete walls and cement floors.
“What’s the meaning of this?” One of them asks once they realize who is sitting in the chairs.
I don’t look at them, my eyes finding my men’s as they move from the wall toward the Capos. My voice rises over the growing chorus of concerned voices, silencing them.
“My father can no longer make the right decisions for the Famiglia.” Turning sideways, I eye the older men. My gun held casually at my side. “Therefore, he’s retiring.”
Bang. Bang. Bang.
My wrist jerks back with the recoil of my gun, my father’s head snapping backward with the shot. Andrea and Julian turn around to face the Capos with me, the men at their backs dead, thetink, tink, tink,of their blood dripping onto the cement, the only sound for a moment. “Unlike my father, I consider myself to be merciful.” I pause and my men all raise their guns in the Capos faces. “You all have the choice to follow me or be replaced.Choose now.”
The weight of my words settles heavily over the older men. Without pause, some of them raise their hands in submission, the rest shot without hesitation, dropping to the ground with heavy thuds. Tucking my gun away, I address the ones who are still standing. “Go, spread the word of my father’s death.”
My eyes catch on Julian as they all scramble to leave.
“You can leave to tell your mother if you want. I wouldn’t fault you for it.”
He shakes his head, a hand roughly running over his short, dark hair. “Let’s get my sister—”
“And kill thebastardothat has her.” Donatello finishes his sentence, booted feet stopping beside us. My eyes flick to Andrea, who nods, Wolf untucking his hands from his pockets beside him.
“Let’s go.”
“There are going to be men both inside and outside.” Wolf says, checking the clip in his gun as we ride in the SUV to Gregory’s.
“About how many?” Andrea asks, his hands working his hair into a bun.
Wolf shrugs, pulling another gun from the inside of his jacket after tucking the first away. “Uh, maybe thirty?” His eyes rise, head flicking some silver hair from his brow. “I bet some will scatter once they here about Remy being the new Capo Famiglia. He scared most of them already. That will fuck with their heads.”
“Where’s Bev?” Julian asks, his fingers cracking as he adjusts in his seat, smashed between Andrea and Donatello.
“I don’t know.” Wolf’s brow dips in thought. “If I had to guess, I’d say he brought her outside so they can leave quickly after they’re officially wed.”