Page 61 of His Property
“Thank fuck,” Gabi says, laughing. “I could stand to learn a thing or two also.”
“Good thing I brought three chef hats.”
She raises a brow. “Seriously?”
I shake my head and laugh. “No, but your and your brother’s dry humor is starting to rub off on me.”
I go to Gabi’s scooter, and it takes me a minute to figure it out, but when I do, I move it in front of her on the couch, and she thanks me awkwardly as if she’s embarrassed. I understand the discomfort, but I wish it wasn’t there. I wish I knew them both better. I wish I was more than a rare guest in this house. Because I meant it when I said Victor brings an excitement to my life that I’ve been lacking. I spent my afternoon watching Christmas movies, bored out of my mind, and wishing I had something more,someoneto share this day with. Wishing I hadhim.
But I wouldn’t tell that to a fucking soul.
Mae holds her chin and props her elbow on the kitchen table. The sleeves of her sweater are rolled up her forearms, and the bracelet I stole from her house dangles on her wrist. I gave it to her as a mock Christmas gift about an hour ago and had to explain to her that I stole it when her eyes filled with amazement that I could have picked out the exact same bracelet that she gifted herself last Christmas.
She’s adorable.
Truly. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her since we sat down at this table, and my plate has been empty and pushed in front of me for at least a half hour. And the meal was the best I’ve had in a long time. Mae really knows how to cook.
“My dad was…” Mae looks up as she thinks of a word, an amused grin on her face. We’ve been talking about last night, and Gabi just asked what Mae’s dad thought of me. This should be good.
“He was less than impressed,” she finishes, tossing me a playful look and reaching for her wine glass. She’s on her fourth, and her words are starting to slur.
“No,really?” I ask, pouting. “I’m normally wonderful with first impressions.”
Mae laughs. “I bet you are.”
“Does that bother you?” Gabi asks, leaning forward slightly on the table. “That your dad doesn’t approve?”
Mae shakes her head. “No, I figured that would be his reaction.” Her eyes train on me. “And that was before you were purposefully inappropriate.”
“Purposefully inappropriate? I was a gentleman.”
“You slid your hand halfway up my dress at one point, and you openly taunted my dad’s coworker.”
Gabi slaps my arm. “You did not.”
I shrug. “I don’t know what she’s talking about. She’s drunk.”
“I am not!” Mae protests, giggling as she sets her glass down. “You’re such a liar.”
“No shit,” Gabi mutters, although it’s lighthearted.
I put my hands up. “Okay, fine, I taunted Pretty Boy. I couldn’t help it.”
“You could have,” Mae says.
“Yeah, well you’re the one who kissed me in front of Daddy.”
Mae’s already flushed face turns a deeper shade of red, and her eyes widen the slightest bit. She glances at Gabi, and I turn to see Gabi with her brows raised and a grin on her face. Gabi and I can joke all day long, but it’s been years since I’ve seen her smile this much. I think the company is good for her.
“It was a goodbye kiss,” Mae says with a giggle. “I was really trying to sell you being my boyfriend. You wouldn’t believe how many set-ups my dad and stepmom arrange.”
I shake my head, my lips stretched wide. “You’re so full of shit.”
“I’m with Victor on this one,” Gabi says. “I know a lie when I hear one.”