Page 60 of His Property
“I told him I would but that I wouldn’t lie to you. So, here I am.” I lift my hands and let them fall back to my lap while I exhale. “What do you want to know?”
Gabi chews on her lip, and I watch as her head spins. I don’t know what she was expecting me to say or do, but I’m getting the impression she doesn’t get the truth often enough. Which, if I had a brother like Victor, I’m not sure I’dwantthe truth. Gabi looks as conflicted about it as I could imagine.
She lets go of her lip and shifts. “Didhe kidnap you?”
“Kind of.”
Her face blanches, and her fingers dig into her knees. “Kind of?”
I nod. “Do you just want me to tell you the whole story? Beginning to end?”
Gabi swallows and looks like she wants anything but to hear about her brother and me, but she nods, so I tell her everything.
Thirty minutes must pass while I speak, and she silently listens. At some points, she relaxes, and at others, I watch her whole body tense, but I don’t stop until I’m caught up to the present.
I lean my shoulder into the couch and take a breath when I’m all done.
“Wow,” she says, resting her head on the couch and staring off into space.
A minute passes, and I question if maybe I should leave. I didn’t think this conversation would happen until after dinner or maybe not at all, but I’m learning fast that Gabi is the direct type. I like that about her. It makes me nervous and relaxed at the same time. At least you know what you see is what you get with her. She’s not fake.
“Thank you for being honest with me.”
I blink away my thoughts and turn my head toward her. “Of course.”
“My brother fucking sucks at telling the truth, so it’s a nice change of pace. You two are opposites… In more than one way.”
“Yeah,” I agree, smoothing an imaginary wrinkle in my jeans. “I know.”
“But you like that, don’t you?”
“Hmm?” I Iook up at her, pretending my heartrate doesn’t pick up.
Gabi tilts her head and gives me a knowing look. She doesn’t elaborate.
“I, uh…” Jeez, how many people am I going to spill my guts to? I’ve gone twenty-six years without telling a soul the truth about me, and now I might as well write a fucking blog. “Yes,” I say at last, suspecting she would see right through me if I didn’t. “He brings an excitement to my life that I otherwise lack.”
She nods like she understands, but I doubt she does. When she doesn’t speak, I feel obligated to go on.
“I think we balance each other out well.”
“I could see that.” Gabi nods. “Do you love him?”
“What?” My eyes widen, and I’m taken aback. “No. I mean…” I give my head a shake. “No. That’s… That would be crazy.”
Gabi smiles for the first time, and it lights up her face. She chuckles and pulls her blanket up higher. “Calm down, hon. It was just a question.”
“Right,” I nervously chuckle and swat at nothing. “Sorry, I just can’t even imagine.” My awkward smile falls. “No offense.”
Gabi chuckles again. “None taken. I love my brother. He’s my whole fucking life. He’s only four years younger than me, but I basically raised him, and I’d kill for him, if, you know, I had that ability.” She gestures toward her legs and smiles with dry humor. “But, point is, I know he’s fucked up. I knew before I met you, but obviously not to this extent. I love him anyway… Regardless if anyone else can.”
She chews her nails, and when she momentarily pulls her hand away, I take it and bring it to her lap. I leave my hand laid over hers and kindly smile. “He isn’t unlovable, and you don’t have to feel guilty for accepting him.”
“I don’t feel guilty,” she lies, looking away from me. When our eyes meet again, she frowns. “Okay, maybe I do. But I feel a hell of a lot better after talking to you. So, thank you for that.”
I pat her hand and nod before pulling away. “My pleasure. Now how about we go get that boy so I can teach him how to make you both a proper meal?”