Page 26 of His Property
“Go home,” he says, leaning over the railing to peer down at his animals. “I don’t know that I’ll have work for you tomorrow, so if you don’t hear from me, don’t be surprised.”
Jesus, he really does think I’m damaged.
Anger ignites, and I’m glad he isn’t looking my way to see my face harden and my eyes narrow.
“Yes sir,” I manage on an even tone.
I leave the enclosure, and then the casino without the usual skip in my step. Lately it seems anger has been creeping in more and more, and I try to let it go and concentrate on what my day at home will bring instead. It works.
Mae’s an excellent distraction all around.
* * *
“Areyou going to stare at your phone all day?” Gabi asks from her spot on the couch.
The smell of leftover Chinese takeout fills the room, and Gabi’s empty cardboard container rests on the end table while mine remains full and balanced in my lap. My phone is in my hand, but I quickly lay it face down and glimpse Gabi staring at me.
“Sorry,” I mumble. I force myself to pick up a piece of chicken with the chopsticks my sister insists we use, and I bring it to my mouth.
“What were you watching?”
I hold up my finger, then finish chewing and swallow.
“Security footage of someone I’m supposed to keep an eye on for Lorenzo. She’s the niece of—”
“Stop.” Gabi holds up her hands and flinches. “I don’t wanna know. Sorry I asked.”
I fight a smirk and pick up my phone to give Mae one last longing look. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed uselessly tugging on the chain attached to her collar. Her hair is a frizzy mess, and she looks frustrated as she struggles to unravel the chain I cranked just so she was able to walk two feet from the bed in any direction. I wonder how long she’s been at it.
It’s fascinating to watch her on my phone, but I’m ready to get downstairs. I’ve been home for about an hour, and it’s killing me to act normal.
“I kind of need to turn the volume up,” I say, turning my head toward Gabi. “I’m guessing you’d rather I didn’t do that around you?”
“You guessed right.” She rolls her shoulders and pinches her face like she’s disgusted I could be capable of spying on a woman.
I hop up from the couch, my food container and phone in hand, and I try to look indifferent instead of eager. I gesture to the food. “I’m going to finish this downstairs. You need anything? I might be a little while. Lorenzo is wanting diligent surveillance, so I’m going to hang out in the basement and turn the volume up so I can clean my tools while I keep an eye on this.” I wave my phone.
“No.” She shakes her head and grabs the TV remote. “Just don’t turn it up too loud, please. I don’t want to hear whatever it is you’re watching.” She turns the TV on and clicks the volume button until Jeopardy plays uncomfortably loud and drowns out any noise that may come from the basement.
“I’ll try not to.” I walk backward toward the kitchen. “Just send me a text if you hear something, and I’ll take care of it.”
Gabi nods and half-heartedly waves me off. I spin and casually stroll through the kitchen, tossing one last look into the living room at a clueless Gabi before sliding my phone into my pocket and opening the basement door.
I shut the door behind me and trot down the stairs.
Mae meets my eyes as soon as I come into her view, but she quickly darts them away. My lips spread into a smile, and blood rushes to my cock. I set the takeout box on my workbench then continue toward her.
“Good afternoon,” I say, my voice a little singsong.
A blissful relief comes over me as I let down my guard, and I take in a deep breath as I stop at the bed. My shoulders buzz, and I roll them. I’ve hidden myself as well as I could all day, but right now, in this room, I don’t have to. I’m free.
And to think, I almost regretted this.
“Told you I wouldn’t be long.” I rake my eyes over Mae’s hunched shoulders, then the rest of her beautiful body, mostly covered by the sheet she has wrapped around her. The red polish of her nails is chipped horribly.
Someone’s nervous.