Page 25 of His Property
“You sure?” he asks. “It’s uncharacteristic of you to finish so quickly.”
I shrug. “He gave it up faster than they usually do. The guy was a pussy.”
Lorenzo doesn’t respond, and while it isn’t out of character for him to digest every single word he hears and take an infuriating amount of time to think through his speech, right now it’s making me nervous.
He doesn’t know anything. Relax.
“I put the tape recorder in your office, by the way,” I say, mostly to break the tension. It doesn’t work.
If my goal is to get information out of someone, I always use a tape recorder as soon as they start talking. Lorenzo likes to hear everything they say firsthand. It’s better for me too. I get to enjoy myself instead of committing their words to memory.
Lorenzo nods. “As you always do.”
“Right, you were out of the office, so I figured you would get it when you came back. Was it time sensitive? Because if it was, that’s my bad. I’ll be sure to–”
I close my mouth and clear my throat. “Yes sir?”
“You’re rambling. And lying. We both know it never takes you long to pull the information out of them. You take your time because you like it.”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I keep quiet, but I don’t break eye contact.
Lorenzo looks me up and down with his eyes narrowed. “You look like shit. Have you been sleeping?”
I open and close my mouth while my heart rate picks up. I begin to question everything I said to Mae this morning about being able to kill her without the familia finding out. It was stupid to even consider that. Lorenzo would know. He can see through people like glass, and as much as I’ve wanted to believe I was an exception, I’m beginning to see I was wrong.
His eyes move to my carotid, and I’m certain he can see it throb.
“No,” I say, figuring it’s better not to lie. “I’ve had some insomnia lately.”
Okay, maybe I half lied.
He lifts his chin, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t believe me. “Is everything all right with you? Anything I should know about?”
I shake my head but regret it as soon as I see a flicker of annoyance in his eyes.
Shit, shit, shit. I really need Mae to sign that contract.
“Well,” I say, as if I’m changing my mind about lying to him with my head shake. I look off and force my face to take on a somber expression. “I don’t know.” I meet his eyes again. “I don’t think it’s anything vital for you to know about, but my mother’s getting released from prison next week, and we didn’t leave things on the best of terms. I guess I’ve let it keep me up at night, and if you feel it’s affecting my performance, I apologize, sir.”
Pity flashes across his face for the briefest of seconds, but it’s enough to straighten my spine and make my jaw tic.
I’m aware that he knows why my mother is in prison because he vets everyone who works for him, but this is the first time it’s ever been mentioned that she exists at all. I’ve worked for him for years. I don’t need his fucking pity now.
Lorenzo must sense the turmoil he’s igniting just by pulling this out of me, even if it’s only to distract him from finding out about Mae. His face goes blank. “It hasn’t affected your performance in a negative way. I’ve been asking you for as long as I’ve known you to be more efficient, so this,” he gestures to the bottom of the den where the animals are devouring the carcass, “I’m pleased with.” He looks me over again. “I could tell something was off, and I only wanted to check on you… You’re a good soldier, Victor, and I hope you know I appreciate everything you do for me and the familia.” He frowns. “I regret being so hard on you Saturday. If you need time, take it.”
Needtime? For what? To cry about mymommy?
I could scream at him for treating me like I’m damaged, but I bite my tongue and remind myself that I started this. I wanted him distracted, and I accomplished that. Now he’s offering me an opportunity to spend more time with the woman in my basement while simultaneously not neglecting my sister.
I should take him up on his offer.
“I appreciate it,” I say, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. “I’m fine, sir. Promise.”
He nods slowly, but I can tell he doesn’t believe me. For once, he’s far off on his reading. It isn’t my mother who’s been filling my head and keeping me awake at night. It’s the woman I’m using to distract myself from thinking about dear old Mom.
And Mae’s proven to be an excellent distraction.