Page 17 of Ravished By The Prince
God, our time together was beyond wonderful, and I can’t seem to get enough of the curvy girl. When will I see her next? Will I last until then? To be honest, she leaves me needing more, and I have half a mind to step into the shower to jerk one out. It’s crazy. I just took her a million ways until Sunday, but she always has me so horny and hard.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. It must be Kitty. Maybe she forgot something? Or maybe her body is still craving my touch. I jump to my feet and dash to the door. I fling it open without even bothering to ask who, and to my surprise, it isn’t Kitty – it’s my father. Damn. I peek around him, glancing down the hallway. Did he see Kitty leaving my suite? We’ve been dating for three weeks now, and so far, we’ve been pretty discreet, but our luck might have just run out. A knot forms in my stomach as my heart races because Wilhelm doesn’t look like he’s here on a social call – something isdefinitelyup.
“Eric, I need to have a word with you,” my dad says as he enters my suite. I glance out into the hallway one last time. Kitty is nowhere in sight, so maybe she got away in time. I shut the door and stroll into the living room.
“About what?” I ask as I put on a shirt.
“About your role as Prince,” Wilhelm says with a scowl. Here we go again. He’s like a broken record.
“What is it this time, Dad?” I ask.
“You aren’t living up to your potential. You need to be doing so much more. Take your sister, Ella, for example-”
“I know, I get it,” I interrupt. “I need to be more like Ella and take the initiative in carrying out my princely duties.” I get this same exact speech at least twice a week; I’m tired of hearing it.
“I’m glad you agree,” Wilhelm says. “That’s why I’ve decided to send you on a tour to over twenty countries on a meet and greet with various world leaders. It’s a diplomatic trip. You’ll represent Chromia, of course.”
“You can’t be serious!” I say in a low voice.
Wilhelm shrugs.
“Why not?”
I shake my head.
“There are a million people better suited than me. The Chancellor. The Exchequer. The royal notary, or even Ella, for god’s sake. Why me?” Of course, the real reason I don’t want to go on a tour is because I don’t want to leave Kitty behind. I’ve been enjoying her curves too much, and it would kill me to deprive myself. But my dad just shrugs.
“The decision is final,” he states.
“No, it’s not. I’m not going,” I argue as I take a seat on the couch. I know I sound like a petulant little boy, but I don’t care.
“Eric, this is for the good of our nation,” he says.
“And what about me? What about what’s good for me?” I ask. “My entire life revolves around this country, and it has since I was five.”
“Because you are destined to be the king!” Wilhelm huffs. “That’s why.”
Yes, but I really wish I wasn’t. I look Wilhelm square in the eye.
“I’m not going,” I say firmly.
“You don’t have a choice,” the old man declares. Then, he storms out of my suite before I can reply. Shit. This sucks.
Yet what am I going to do about Kitty? Things have been going so well between us, and now, all of the sudden, we have to put everything on ice, just when things were heating up. I know I haven't been living up to my father's expectations, but at the same time, what the fuck? How could Wilhelm make this decision without consulting with me first? This is his way of punishing me for not living my life the way he wants me to.
I wish there was a way I could get out of this, but when my father's mind is made up, there's no changing it. It really pisses me off that Wilhelm treats me like I’m a kid. I’m a fucking adult male, and have been for a long time now. Wilhelm makes me wish I wasn’t the heir to the throne because life would be much easier for me if I weren’t. I never really wanted to be king anyway.
Shit. I have to tell Kitty as soon as possible. Knowing my father, I’ll be leaving any day now, and I can’t go without giving her a proper goodbye. I know I’ll eventually be back, but the time in between will feel like an eternity. My nights will be cold without her warm touch, and I probably won’t sleep a wink. Yet, how am I supposed to break this news to Kitty? She’ll be crushed when she finds out that I'll be gone for months.
I walk into my bedroom and sink down onto my bed. I stare up at the ceiling with only one thing on my mind –her. Maybe my father did find out about us, and that’s why he wants to send me away. Perhaps my nervous pageboy spilled the beans about the notes I’ve been writing to Kitty. But that can’t be because if anyone had found out about us, Kitty would already be out of a job.
I roll over onto my side and caress the very spot her naked body laid in less than an hour ago. I grip the sheets and pull them close to my face as I deeply inhale her lingering scent. Damn, I’m going to miss this sweet fragrance. I sigh heavily as I let the fact that I’m leaving sink in. I don’t want to, but I have to fulfill my duty as prince, even if it comes between me and Kitty. I’d rather choose her, but my country is depending on me to take my father’s place after he’s gone, and I can’t let my people down.
Yet I shouldn'thaveto choose between the woman I'm falling in love with and the throne. I should be able to have both, but I know that for someone like me, it’s just a fever dream. Eventually, I'll have to decide. I dread the day that I have to choose between ruling Chromia and being with Kitty. Hopefully, that day doesn't come anytime soon.
I toss and turn in my bed, unable to fall asleep. Then, I get up out of bed and head into the living area of my suite. I take a seat at my desk and place a piece of stationary in front of me. We’ve decided not to do text messages because we’ve discovered that we like exchanging notes the old-fashioned way. It’s sweet, really, and besides, what I want to say isn’t appropriate for some hastily-dashed off electronic message.
Instead, I begin to write about my feelings for her. I wish I had the courage to tell her in person, but maybe getting it down in words will help me first because I want her to know about the change she’s wrought in my life. After all, Kitty may not come from a noble line, but she makes me happier than I’ve ever been before. Before she came into my life, my heart was as cold as a winter’s night. I felt empty inside, like something was missing. She’s changed my very existence, and made it so much better.