Page 16 of Ravished By The Prince
My heart races as I slam my locker door shut. I knew our evening together last night wasn't just a fling because Eric wants to see me again! I smile to myself, going warm all over. But what will I tell my parents? I can't say I'm going to see another movie because my mom will never believe that. But I have to see Eric tonight, so I have to come up withsomething.
Dammit. I wish we didn't have to sneak around, but there’s no choice. Hmm, maybe I’ll tell my parents them that I'm going out on a date; I just won't say with whom. My mom has been on my case lately about dating because she wants me to meet boys and have an active social life. It’s not bad because Doria just wants me to get married and have children of my own someday. Plus, if I tell my parents I'm going on a date, I won't be completely lying to them.
Suddenly, a locker door slams, startling me. I don’t want to chat with anyone, so I wait for their footsteps to go to the back, and then rush out of the locker room. I head down the hall and into the dining room where Aunt Nellie’s cleaning. Sometimes, after I've already finished cleaning my area, I figure I'll help my aunt with hers. She’s getting older, and appreciates the assistance.
“Kitty, it’s so great to see you,” she greets.
“It’s good to see you too, Aunt Nellie,” I say as I wrap my arms around her stooped shoulders.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on the top floor?” she asks. I smile.
“I’ve finished all of my rooms for the day, so I came by to help you,” I say.
“You’re such a sweet girl,” she says as her eyes twinkle. She steps back and takes a look at me. “Something about you looks different today,” she muses. I pretend innocence.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“You look like you’re glowing, my dear,” she comments. Oh my god, you can’t get anything past Aunt Nellie because she knows me so well. Should I tell her about Eric? I know I can’t tell her that it’s the prince, but I want her to know there’s someone new in my life, someone special. I smile slightly as I stare at the ground.
“You’re right, Aunt Nellie. I’m falling for someone,” I admit.
“Oh, Kitty! I’m so happy for you! Is it someone I know?” It is, but I can’t tell her that.
“No, you don’t know him,” I fib lightly. I wish I didn’t have to lie, but it’s for the best. She’d faint if I told her that the man I’m with is Prince Eric.
“Well, I hope he treats you right,” she smiles. “You deserve the best.”
“He treats me like a queen,” I say proudly.
“Good,” she says as she takes my hand into hers. “Now, I’m just about finished in this room. I just need to get over into that corner to dust off the china cabinet.”
“I’ll do it,” I say.
“Are you sure?” she asks.
“Yeah, it’s no problem. I know the cabinet is tall, so it’s better me than you.”
“Thank you, dear,” she says in a grateful tone.
“Of course, Aunt Nellie. You’re welcome.”
I hum to myself again as I dust the cabinet. It’s a boring job, and yet I don’t care because of the magic flowing through my veins. It’s like something out of a fairytale! Eric gives me something to look forward to and a reason to smile. This is only the beginning, but the handsome prince already has my heart in the palm of his hands.
Iseize Kitty’s waist, holding her one last time before she goes, as I stare into those warm, brown eyes. God, they get me every time.
“I have to go,” she murmurs with a smile while caressing my cheek. “You know that, Eric.” Of course, I know she does, but I always have the hardest time letting her leave. Being away from her makes me feel like a part of me is missing.
“Just one more second, please,” I plead in a low, rough voice. Kitty gives in, allowing me to cradle her in my arms for a little bit longer, as I press my lips to hers one last time.
Then, I release the curvy woman. Her delicate hand gently caresses my bare chest as she stares into my eyes. Kitty smiles again, and then sways toward the door of my quarters. I can’t stand it when she leaves, but damn, I sure do love to watch her walk away. Her wide hips rock with each step she takes, and I bite my lip as I fight the urge to run up behind her and carry her back into my bedroom.
“Goodbye,” she murmurs with one last wave.
“Bye honey,” I respond, wishing she could stay longer. Then, Kitty’s gone, leaving me alone in my solitude. I sink down onto the couch and lick my lips; I can still taste her.