Page 9 of Johnston
“No one here gives a shit about you!” I barked at her. And that was the damn truth. The guys had never asked about her, though they all knew I was married. They’d never batted an eye when I fucked one of the club girls either.
If I didn’t have Wendy around, they knew it was for a good reason. I didn’t trust this bitch, and I’d made a huge mistake in marrying her. I just hadn’t known it back then.
“What I do is my own goddamn business.” I took a step closer to her, and she swallowed thickly, taking a nervous step back from me, fear spiking in her eyes. Her fear sated my soul a little. “And you want to talk about cheating?” I snarled at her. “I know aboutallyour indiscretions, Wendy–all of them.” She swallowed thickly, now no longer feeling as sure of herself. She had no idea how far my connections went.Nothinghappened in this tiny ass town without me knowing. “You’re not as sneaky as you think you are. I’ve known foryears.” I wrapped my hand around her throat and dragged her closer to me, tightening my hold to the point she couldn’t get air into her lungs.
Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to just snap her goddamn neck.
“Get thefuckoff my clubhouse grounds, and don’t youeverstep foot back on this property, do I make myself clear? Expect divorce papers by the end of the fucking week,” I snarled.
I shoved her away from me, sending her on her ass on the ground. Her neck was red, the shape of my handprint imprinted onto her skin.
I fucking hoped it bruised so every time she looked in the mirror and tried to cover it with makeup, she’d be reminded of the bastard she married and what he was capable of.
I turned on my heel and stormed into the clubhouse. Once the doors closed behind me, I pointed my finger at Geek, who was already watching me. Hell, all of them were. “Make sure she fucking leaves,” I ordered.
He nodded. “Got it, Prez,” he told me right before he slipped outside. I heard Wendy screeching some more, but I ignored her, heading down the hall to my room. I slammed my door behind me, even more pissed to see that Aaliyah had fucking left.
Wendy had driven her away.
I wanted to go after her, but fuck—I couldn’t speak to her in this condition. I was too pissed—too out of control. I needed to take some time to cool the fuck off. Because I was self-destructive. If I wasn’t careful, I’d fuck up everything with her before it even got started. And then, I’dreallyfucking hate myself more than I already did.
I got a quick shower and then got dressed before heading back up the hall. I paused for a moment in front of Aaliyah’s door. It took every ounce of my restraint to keep my hand from knocking. I wanted to know if she was okay, but she needed space, and I’d give that to her.
Even if it damn near killed me to do so. I hated not knowing what was happening between us, if she blamed me. She was the only woman in this world I cared about, and the only person’s opinions I wanted.
I scrubbed my hand down my face before heading to my office, locking myself inside. I didn’t want to be bothered. I needed time to myself, and I knew the brothers would respect that. And hell, Scorpion and his crew were so used to my temper that it wouldn’t even faze them to see me like this. Scorpion would check in with Blayke before riding out, and he’d connect with me in a few days.
I pulled out the books and buried myself in the numbers in front of me. At least numbers made sense and rarely let me down. And if they did, it was an easy problem to solve.
Unlike the fucking mess I was currently in.
I jerked up to a sitting position, my hand reaching for the gun inside my cut. Someone was banging on the office door and shouting my name. I quickly lurched up from my chair and stormed to the door, unlocking it before I yanked it open. Drew’s blue-gray eyes locked on mine, his jaw clenched.
“We’ve got a fucking situation,” he growled, already turning on his heel and storming up the hall. I quickly followed him, making sure to lock my office door.
What the fuck now? Couldn’t a man get a fucking moment of peace?
The clubhouse was suspiciously empty when we emerged from the hall. Where the fuck was everyone at? Even the club girls were missing. It hadneverbeen this silent in here, even when we were all sleeping. Someone was at least always snoring.
Then, I heard it.
“You thought I would just walk out of here without making sure you understood your place?” Wendy bitched. I rushed past Drew and outside onto the lot. Geek and Blayke were blocking Aaliyah from Wendy, and my crazy ass wife was waving a gun around in the air, her finger on the trigger, the safety off.
Trigger and Dom had their guns aimed at her, and Lawson was easing up behind her, most likely to try to disarm her.
“What the fuck did I say?!” I roared, glaring at Wendy. I didn’t dare look at Aaliyah, though I could feel her eyes on me. If I took my eyes off my wife, it could be deadly for any of us standing there, and I wouldn’t risk that. Idefinitelywouldn’t risk Aaliyah’s life like that. She was the most important person standing on that lot.
“I gave you everything, Johnston, and now you want todivorceme?!” she yelled, ranting about my words to her this morning. “You’re fucking crazy to think I’d let you divorce meandget your bullshit happily ever after with that fucking cunt!”
I stormed over to her, not even giving a shit when she aimed her gun at me, her hand shaking. It was a deadly combination with her finger on that fucking trigger, but I wanted the attention on me. If I could keep her distracted, Blayke and Geek could get Aaliyah in the clubhouse, where she’d be safe.
I could survive a bullet wound. I’d survived many others.
But Aaliyah may not be so lucky.