Page 8 of Johnston
It was eerily quiet in the clubhouse, but I was pretty sure it was because everyone was giving Johnston a wide berth. No doubt he was in a foul fucking mood. The Texas charter had ridden out about an hour ago. I hadn’t seen them off because I was a chicken shit too afraid to leave her room. No doubt everyone knew what Johnston and I had done last night, and no doubt, everyone also knew what had happened this morning. Wasn’t like Wendy had tried keeping her voice down.
Shame washed over me. I fucking knew better than to sleep with a married man.
A knock sounded on the door. I heaved a sigh and stood up from the bed, walking to the door. I unlocked it before swinging it open, surprised to see Blayke standing there. He trailed his dark eyes over me before shaking his head with a grunt. “You can’t hide out in here forever,” he told me.
I grimaced.Fuck. if he knew, then I bet everyone else did, too. “So, everyone knows then?”
He shrugged. “Pretty sure, yeah. Wendy was yelling loud enough to bust someone’s eardrums if they stood close enough to her. Johnston sent her home and has been holed up in his office since. Pretty sure he’s trying to make sure he doesn’t explode at any of us.”
I was surprised. Normally, Johnston took out his rage on whoever was closest. I didn’t like the feeling that he felt out of his element with his own wife. It left a sour, bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I pushed my hand through my red hair. I hadn’t done anything with it, so the curls were frizzed and an absolute mess, my fingers getting caught in the tangles. I huffed and dropped my hand back to my side, unsure what to do now. I sure as hell wasn’t ready to face the music that awaited me.
“Not sure if I’m ready to show my face,” I told him honestly. “What is everyone going to think? I slept with amarriedman—your fucking president, Blayke.”
Blayke shrugged and leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb to my room, crossing his bulky, colorful arms across his chest. “Okay? Thatmarried mandragged you to his room last night. He wanted you. And no one’s going to give a fuck, Aaliyah. You’re family. None of us have been blind to the tension between you two. What happened last night was only a matter of time.”
My heart clenched in my chest. Everyone had seen how badly we’d wanted one another. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. I blew out a soft breath. “Let me fix my hair, and then I’ll come out,” I quietly told him.
He nodded, his lips quirking up just slightly at the corners. “Good. Don’t let that bitch win.” He smirked at me. “We all like you better anyway, Aaliyah. Prez does everything for a reason, and if he never let Wendy around, well…” He let his voice trail off, shrugging again.
It meant Johnston didn’t trust her. My heart sank to my feet, completely bypassing the acid in my stomach. If he didn’t trust her, what the hell might happen?
With that, Blayke went back up the hall. I blew out a soft breath and closed my door before heading into my bathroom to tame my red curls into a bun before facing the music.
Because it was waiting for me. No doubt about it. And while the club members and even the club girls might not give a fuck that I slept with Johnston—hell, some of them might even praise me for it—that didn’t mean Johnston’s wife wasn’t going to be a problem.
Something in my gut told me I needed to be watching my back, and I needed to be extra careful. I hadn’t missed the look in her eyes, and I hadn’t missed how Johnston kept her away from me. Looking back on the scene with eyes that were now opened a little more, it was clear Johnston was doing his best to protect me from her.
Men in this club didn’t protect women from other women…
Unless one of the women in question was in real danger.
I rubbed my forehead, blowing out a harsh breath. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?
Wendy screeched all the way outside, her voice like nails on a chalkboard. I knew I was hurting her. No doubt, my grip on her arm would leave bruises on her pale skin, but I didn’t give a fuck.
She’d come intomyclubhouse, yelled at Red, and broken the biggest rule I fucking gave her. If she didn’t think she was about to pay for that shit, she had another thing coming.
I wasn’t the one to fucking cross. And obviously, I’d been letting her slide with her bullshit for way too damn long. It endednow.
Because likehellwas she coming at Red sideways. Red wasmine, and I protected what belonged to me.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” I shouted at Wendy, finally releasing her arm now that I had her outside, away from the prying eyes of all my brothers.
Goddammit, this wasnothow I’d wanted my first fucking morning with Aaliyah to start. We’d started it off great. I couldn’t get enough of her sinful little body. But I’d planned to take her out for breakfast, share a cup of coffee together.
Instead, Wendy had barged in and destroyedallof those plans in the blink of a fucking eye.
How the fuck was I supposed to make this up to Aaliyah? Shit, would she even still want me after this? I knew she hadn’t signed up for this. Hell, Wendynevercame around here. I’d forbidden it.
Fuck, I hated my wife for this shit.
“You’recheatingon me!” she yelled, jabbing her finger against my chest. I smacked her hand away so roughly, she cradled it against her chest. “You thought I was going to sit around while you fucking humiliated me in front of all the club members?!”