Page 72 of Craving Us
It always comes back to this. Dad’s perception of him versus mine. This time, it’s different. I’m not in a relationship with Hunter.
“Maybe, I don’t know who he is,” I admit. “But that doesn’t mean he should be deprived of knowing he has a son.”
“It’s your life and your son,” he states adamantly. “And I do agree a man should have the right to know if he has a child. But as I mentioned, he is not the man you think he is. So, I ask you, Alexandra, please be careful. If he, in any way, shape, or form, attempts or say or do anything to hurt you, he knows exactly the price he will pay.”
I almost want to roll my eyes at him. As if I don’t know how to handle myself around a man. After all, I’ve been around Dad forever. I’m used to the whole alpha male ‘what I say goes’ bullshit.
“I promise, Dad, I will be careful.”
This conversation with Dad was difficult, but I’m glad it’s over and done with. Again, Millie was in shock Dad even had a conversation with me. She’s adamant that the Lex Edwards she dealt with is a completely different man from the one I deal with.
Then again, I wasn’t screwing his business partner behind his back. Surely, that was worse.
The days leading up to Hunter meeting Elijah were challenging. My anxiety was on a whole other level. I wasn’t quite sure why. What’s the worst that can happen?
I tried to busy myself with Elijah. Going for walks, taking him to his appointment, and trying to catch up on sleep.
Though it wasn’t all about Hunter, there is also the fact of Beau leaving for Manhattan. Even though he apologized for being a so-called prick, there is still this tension between us.
I decide to go see him at Will and Millie’s house and work our way through this as we’ve always done in the past. Unsure if he’s actually there, I take the risk and pack Elijah’s bag, followed by placing him in the car for the short ride over.
Will answers the door, dressed in a dark suit. Millie is at work with Mom, and all the kids are in school or daycare. The house is oddly quiet, something I’m not used to when visiting.
“Hey, sorry, Alexa. He's not around,” Will tells me as I enter the house.
Thankfully, Elijah is asleep in his carrier. I place it on the ground because it’s so heavy, and my arm is dead from carrying it in.
“Oh, you don’t know where he is or how long he will be?”
“He's out with some friends,” Will answers cautiously.
“Friends?” I question with a raised brow. “Here in California?”
“Yes, from high school.”
Beau went to an all-boys school, which is probably why he was so girl crazy once he graduated. I’m just surprised he never mentioned friends out here.
“I didn’t know he had guy friends here. He’s never said anything.”
“Let’s just say that while he did go to a boys’ school, he had girlfriends outside of school.”
I gaze at Will in confusion. “He’s visiting a woman?”
“An ex, or something. Look, I don’t ask unless told.”
The heat inside the room rises as I force a smile. What right do I have to get jealous? Beau is single and has the freedom to do whatever he wants. Just because I feel trapped in my life shouldn’t mean I project that onto him like it’s his fault because it’s not.
The back door opens, and it’s Beau. He doesn’t look any different, wearing shorts and a tee like he’s dressed up to play basketball or something. Not at all like he’s been on a date.
“Oh, you’re here,” I say faintly.
“Yes, I am here.”
“I thought it would be nice to see you and not wait till tomorrow.” My tone is stiff and formal, it’s the only way I can speak without blurting out how I really feel. “But Will said you’re busy with an ex-girlfriend?”
Too fucking, late.
Beau crosses his arms beneath his chest while watching me furtively. “Yes, I was visiting an ex-girlfriend and her husband. Oh, and their dog. Do you have a problem with my life that doesn’t always involve you?”