Page 71 of Craving Us
“What do you do now?”
“Burp time. This can go great or not end well.” Alexandra rests Elijah on her chest with his head against her shoulder. As she gently pats his back, he lets out a small burp. “Done, with no aftermath.”
I continue to watch her with him. If possible, Alexandra has grown more beautiful as a mother. A change from the young woman who would tease me in my office with her sexy body, then stay here all night so I could take her however I wanted.
She’s changed, but change is not such a bad thing. It’s a part of life, I guess.
“It’s dark out, and I should probably go.” Her voice sounds unsure, so I’m assuming whatever happened at home has her unsettled. “Look, I don’t want to pressure you to do anything. You have your life, plus you’re married, so I don’t even know if this will work.”
“He’s my son,” I state adamantly. “It will work because it has to.”
Alexandra gazes at me with her emerald eyes. The hardest part is being in her presence. We have a history, and it’s hard enough to ignore when all we ever did in present company was devour each other in bed, on the sofa, or even in the elevator …
She quietly puts him into the carrier, then stands up to leave.
“Well, see you around, I guess.”
“Most definitely.”
She walks down the corridor as I follow her, but then she stops at the door.
“Hunter, you’re married.”
I can’t live with this lie any longer, the weight on my shoulders a burden I no longer wish to carry.
“We are still married for convenience. That hasn’t changed.”
Alexandra furrows her brows while pressing her lips flat. Even when she’s angry or annoyed, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with. Now, I understand why the last year has been so hard without her in my life. As much as she infuriates me with her sass, the way she makes me feel is something I hate to admit I’ve missed.
“But, the baby?”
“Alexandra, not now, please. When the time is right.”
She shakes her head with a huff. “Whatever. Goodbye, Hunter.”
The door closes behind her, forcing me to release the breath I’d been holding in.
I should have told her to get it all out in the open.
But now I have an heir, a son whose blood is the same as mine. This changes everything.
And until I know just how much, the secret will remain just that.
A secret.
“Dad, will you look at me, please?”
At a slow and agonizing pace, Dad lift’s his gaze to meet mine. His silence is deafening, but it’s expected, given I just told him Hunter will meet his son for the first time.
We’re sitting inside his office without Mom because it’s important for me to have this conversation without her trying to convince him to come around. I’ve learned how their dynamics work. Most of the time, Mom tries to control Dad’s stubbornness, so we girls don’t endure the wrath of Lex Edwards. The number one problem with having a billionaire father who is ruthless in the corporate world.
“All I’m saying is think about what us girls mean to you. I know you don’t think highly of Hunter, and I do get that, but he is Elijah’s father and has a right to meet his son.”
“Alexandra,” he says my name in a cold tone. “Hunter Cash is not the man you think he is.”