Page 53 of The Wild Side of Hell
“Asshole, I want my granddaughter right now,” Willoughby demanded as soon as he answered the phone.
“Look, I don’t know what you think is happening here, but shit hit the fan. Hellfire was targeted because of Alice. Hellfire shed blood for her. What have you done except fly in and actlike your dick is bigger than everyone else’s? Don’t give a flying fuck. You’re some big-deal billionaire. Hellfire has her safe and surrounded by MCs and security. So, back off now!” Diesel let his temper loose. This was one asshole he could unload on.
“I get that, boy. But you hear me? I’ve looked for twenty-four years, hoping my grandbaby is alive. And Alexis is being hunted by the fuckers who killed her parents. Got one hundred guys with me. I could add to your security. Let me help,” Willoughby retorted.
“Don’t need it,” Diesel growled.
“Maybe, maybe not. Telling me an extra hundred men won’t make a difference? I know you’ve moved Alexis. That fuckin’ convoy was a dead giveaway. Boy, there’re no walls surrounding that Hall. Alexis is in more danger,” Willoughby shot back.
“Try attacking. See what happens. Because Reading Hall has a few surprises you will not be expecting. Ain’t got time to argue with you. I have a nephew in surgery. A brother recovering from an amputation and another with a severely broken arm. Fuckin’ send in your men, but don’t blame me for their deaths. Because every guard is under the order to shoot first and ask second,” Diesel taunted and cut the line.
Diesel looked towards the double doors. Nine hours, it had been. Two hours ago, they’d received news Klutz was recovering fine. Calamity and Aurora were both with him. Micah was under the knife right now, and with every minute that ticked past, Diesel tried to convince himself that no news was good news.
Drake had forbidden his children from coming to wait for their brother. He thought the situation was too dangerous. Tye and Carmine had blatantly ignored his orders and were flying in. The same with Jodie and Serenity. But the others were at the Hall, unaware their brother was injured. Only Harley was currently at the hospital, being a Rage prospect. Harley sat withhis mother, locked in silence, and his eyes fixed on the doors. There’d be no moving Harley until they knew Micah’s position.
Rooster had been visited by every member of Hellfire. Shee and Sunny were with him now. Pyro had Levi and Shotgun at his bedside, and both had guards on their rooms. Antony had arrived and caused a furore. After getting a dressing down from Lio, the hospital manager then had a distraught conversation with Andrew before being reamed in front of witnesses by Antony. The senator was on a tear from Hell by the time he appeared, and the manager got the full brunt of his anger. Threats of investigations were mentioned alongside multiple sackings.
Once Antony had made his position very clear, he took a stance by Phoe and observed everyone coming and going. It was plain where Antony’s loyalties lay. Pyro, Celt, Rooster, and Klutz now had four guards on their doors and four guards at the entrance to the wards. And nobody dared speak against it. Diesel watched as the Hawthorne women moved around, dispensing coffee and hot tea. They’d arrived hours ago, and every hour they left and brought food and drinks back from a shop around the corner. The business must be making a killing, Diesel thought idly. He’d given Marissa a Hellfire card to pay on, although she’d refused at first, but took it after she saw how tired he was.
Diesel’s eyes closed for a second and an image of Alice gave him the flicker of hope he needed to continue.
I left my boss’s office with his blessings and prayers. He knew what we were about to tackle and wished us luck. In my hand, I held the needed paperwork signed off by Judge David, whom I’d called. The Judge was friendly with Rage and agreed to ameeting with me. Once I had her agreement and the deal signed, I walked to my boss and laid the plan out for him.
Grey had backed me up, outlining the finer detail. Our boss changed a few things before giving the nod. My strategy was a go. I was to collect our SWAT team and alert the one in North Carolina. Grey walked at my side as we headed to SWAT’s floor.
“Willow, it’s a good plan,” he said.
I briefly allowed my hand to touch his.
“Bloody hope so. If this goes tits up, our careers are in the shitter,” I replied.
“Well, we’ll be there together, and Hawthorne or Artemis will hire us,” Grey retorted, amused.
“There is that,” I added and opened the door leading to SWAT.
They were on a Trust plane heading to Rapid City three hours later.
Willoughby was frantic to reach Alexis. His grandbaby had been discovered, and Alexis was alive and well. Willoughby blamed himself for his son- and daughter-in-law’s deaths. He’d not recognised the level of evil Charles would sink to. It was little known that Willoughby knew Charles had committed the crimes. His DNA had been discovered on both bodies. But there wasn’t a trace of Charles afterwards. Willoughby, while hoping, had long resigned himself to the fact Alexis, too, had died. Natasha had been one long shot in a life of darkness, and she’d brought him the light.
Natasha was by his side now, muttering to his head of security. Willoughby admired the woman and her achievements. He had no idea what drove her to be so dedicated. His team had researched Natasha thoroughly, and nothing had been foundthat could have led to this career choice. But her success rate was ninety-five per cent, and he’d taken one last chance. And it had been well worth the risk.
How Natasha had found Alexis was a miracle he couldn’t deny. Now a group of MCs stood between him and his precious grandbaby. Willoughby’s fingers itched to throttle the man keeping her away from him.
“Let it go. Diesel loves Alice, and she him. Instead of bullying and blustering, try talking,” Natasha said.
“We’ll send a team in,” Willoughby decided, and as he spoke the words, Natasha shook her head.
“Alice is a part of their world. In the highly remote chance your team did penetrate the security around Reading Hall, if one got injured, she’ll never forgive you. And you’re hounding Diesel when his nephew is in surgery. Try looking at it from his side. Wait for news Fanatic has come out of it okay, and then approach Diesel. Calmly and rationally. Don’t forget, your imminent arrival made Alice run once already. Alice is probably blaming herself for what’s happened.
“Your forceful personality is not a balm to a guilty girl. And no matter what you think, she will not fall into your arms and leave with you. Alice loves and adores Diesel, and he reciprocates. Willoughby, you may have been cheated of Alice’s life, but don’t risk alienating her before you even begin to make bonds. Keep calm and listen to the clues around you. Give something for Diesel to trust you with, or you won’t see Alice any time soon. Alice will side with Diesel. Now, we have a lead. The FBI is flying in. Willow Ware is in charge of the operation. Willow is Axel’s daughter, who is a founder of Rage MC. Let me open a line to her,” Natasha asked.
Willoughby nodded curtly before returning to glare out of the windows. He just wanted to hold his grandbaby again. Did no one understand that?