Page 52 of The Wild Side of Hell
“Who’s leading Hellfire?” Trip called out.
“Bear, Sunny, and Tiny remained on scene. Diesel and Shee are at the hospital. Diesel’s running Hellfire. He’s the one making the medical decisions. Even had to choose Clio’s operation because Chance was in the chapel, and no one could find him. The man’s going to be suffering with his choices,” Psych said.
Psych stared at me. “Whatever bullshit made you run last night, put it to one side if you love him. Diesel feels shit, and the choices he’s been forced to make today will cut him deep.”
“I know,” I whispered.
Diesel would take those decisions hard. And for Rooster to lose his leg. Oh God, what a mess, and it was my fault.
“Alice, that cult has no evidence you were there at Hellfire. This is them being insane fuckers. Onyx and Inglorious have our techs working with Leila and Nigel. This ain’t the first mysterious explosion around people who crossed the cult. But there was never any proof. They took a disliking to Magic and Hellfire and flexed their muscles. But they picked the wrong victims this time,” Psych said and grinned. Crazy danced across his face.
I nodded wordlessly. The cult was pure evil. If they were finding other bombs, how many innocents had they killed? Why were they still walking the earth?
Magic reached out and squeezed my hand.
Two hours later, Inglorious walked in. He looked tired, and my heart wept for him. I’d pulled Inglorious into this mess. Fuck, I’d dragged all of them into my whacked-out shit.
“Everyone’s moving to Reading Hall. It’s flooded with men, Delta Force, security teams Liz has called in, and Juno Group. Hawthorne’s teams are on their way and bringing extra camerasand stuff. Fallen Warriors will help them. We’re sending Devil’s Scythe and Satan Warriors ahead of us. You’re gonna ride in the middle with me, Alice. We’re going to be surrounded by Unwanted Bastards and Riders of Vengeance.
“Magic, we considered a cage, but a motorbike can move more freely and easily should we need to escape. Alice is safer with me than in a cage that can’t go places a bike can. Should we be attacked, I aim to ride free with her. Your goal is to help hinder whoever is chasing. Got it?” Inglorious asked.
“Alice is my daughter,” Magic said, and my heart wept. I loved Magic so damn much.
“And I will give my life to protect Alice. Trust me,” Inglorious stated.
“Anything happens to me, man. Alice gets everything. Understand me?” Magic demanded.
I opened my mouth to talk and couldn’t as tears clogged my throat. I hugged Magic tightly, trying to convey what I wanted. Magic understood as he knocked the breath out of my body as he reciprocated.
“We leave in half an hour,” Inglorious spoke, and we nodded.
The ride to Reading Hall was anticlimactic. As Inglorious said, I was surrounded by bikers, and we must have made quite a sight. We rode up towards the Hall, and I felt a flicker of excitement. I’d not seen the legendary home of Phoe and was happy to be visiting finally. However, I sincerely wished the circumstances were different. The convoy approached a set of gates, and we found them covered by ten guys, all heavily armed. One by one, they checked each rider coming through and told them to park in a field.
Men surrounded me as we walked the short distance to the Hall, and I was awed by my first sight of it. What was not awe-inspiring were the metal sheets covering every window. The building itself was magnificent but prepared for war. Men and women milled everywhere, all heavily armed and clearly on guard. As we approached, a woman in black trousers and a white shirt stood at the entrance.
“Magic, Inglorious, Onyx, welcome to the Hall. Please proceed inside and head to the grand drawing room. The other guests are there. The Hall’s guards will briefly search you, so declare any weapons. You may keep them, but we need to know who has what,” she said.
“Thanks, Liz,” Magic rumbled and allowed himself to be patted down.
Five minutes later, we were in a room that took my breath away. It was stunning, like something from Downtown Abbey. I’d only ever seen the likes of this grandeur in movies, and Drake lived here! Bikers were milling around, and a table had been arranged at the far end laden with food.
“Inglorious and Onyx, how wonderful to see you again, despite the circumstances. Lance from the Fallen Warriors has asked you to join him in the billiards room, where he has set up extra surveillance. Now, miss, you must be Alice. I’m Mrs Ames, the housekeeper here. Let’s get something to eat and drink into you, and I’ve already called down to let Tati know you’re here,” a friendly woman said, approaching.
“Magic, Dylan wishes to see you in the security office, if you don’t mind,” Mrs Ames continued. “Do not worry about Alice; there are men almost everywhere. Tati and some other old ladies are present, so Alice will be in great company. Now scoot, all of you,” Mrs Ames spoke, took me by the elbow, and led me away.
Inglorious, Onyx, and Magic exchanged amused glances before disappearing. I guessed they’d been here before because none of them asked for directions.
Mrs Ames kept up a friendly conversation until Tati and Big Al arrived. Tati was carrying their twin boys, born on the 4thof June, at thirty-six weeks pregnant. From what I heard, Big Al had lost the plot completely and had ended up sedated when Tati went into premature labour. Both boys were healthy, Ajax the eldest and Brock the youngest. By all accounts, Big Al now thought Tati walked on water and worshipped her even more. The love between them made me smile, but not today.
Around them ran their two little girls and a boy they’d adopted. Kersey was three, Tinsley four, and Campbell was two. They’d renamed them upon adopting them because the mother had called them terrible names. The children adored their adoptive parents, which was evident in how they watched them.
My relief at seeing a Hellfire cut made me sob and fly across to Big Al for a hug. Big Al and Tati both obliged, offering soothing words. Big Al rubbed my back as I blubbered. I was sorry he wasn’t with his brothers. Big Al shrugged that away by saying he had the most crucial role. He had to protect the only princess Chance had. And nothing would drag him away from his sacred duty. I allowed them to soothe my fraught nerves as more people appeared.