Page 9 of Marked With Love
“It’s been in the family a long time” is all I give. Everything always changes when people realize who I am.
“This cheese is amazing.” Blake changes the subject away from the topic for me.
Though I think it might be too late. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Chef Louis heading toward our table. Our eyes lock, and I know he recognizes me. Then I remember not only had he asked about a tattoo for his sister but he’d asked for a date too. How the hell did I forget that? Then again, I forget most men.
I don’t think I’ll have that problem with Eros.
“Morgan, it’s been too long,”Chef Louis glides forward and places his ass in my face.
I literally have to lean around the man to see Morgan’s face. She’s way too smiley for my liking. I frown.
“Hey, Louis. I was meaning to bring my grams in, but she’s on a pasta fast. No pasta because it keeps her up at night.”
I can’t tell if she’s serious or making shit up because she doesn’t want to eat here.
“I have other dishes here such as the scallops that you ordered. I’ll make an extra order, and you can bring it home for her to taste.”
“She’s got a shellfish allergy.”
“The beef dishes have been proclaimed the best in the city.”
“Morgan’s grams is a vegan.” Blake enters the fray.
If the bestie is making an assist, it means that Morgan has no interest. Time for me to stop sitting here like a dumb rock and help my woman out. “Chef, your scotch is top notch. Both Morgan and I are enjoying it.”
That seems to be clear, but the ass literally does not move. “Come over tomorrow, and I will prepare a special meal for you both. No pasta, no meat.”
“No eggs, no butter,” Blake adds.
I see Louis’ shoulders stiffen. “I know what vegan entails. I wasn’t aware Ms. Hamilton had given up animal-based products, but it does have undeniable health benefits, and we in this city want Ms. Hamilton to live for a long time.”
Ms. Hamilton? He says her name with such reverence. The only people in this city that have that last name who could be worthy of Louis’ devotion aretheHamiltons, of the shipping magnate Hamiltons. They’ve been rich since before this country was established. The Hamiltons make my family look poor, and my bank account is eight figures.
I don’t remember hearing about a granddaughter, though. Or maybe my mom has told me and I tuned her out since I’ve been trying to avoid getting married off for at least a decade. I should probably pay more attention to the things she talks about. I send her a silent apology and get to work. I get to my feet and go to stand behind Morgan’s chair.
“Louis, not to be that guy, but we’re on a date, and you’re really cramping my style. How can I convince Morgan that she should go out with me again if you’re hogging all of her time?” I smile benignly even though I kind of want to punch him in the face.
“You?” Louis frowns. “Since when do you date? You told me you had one passion, and it wasn’t people.”
“I said that because I thought you were hitting on me and I wasn’t interested.”
“Why would I ask you out?” Louis looks offended. “You’re aman.I’m interested in Morgan. I think we have a connection.”
“The connection is dead,” I say.
“I’m really sorry, Louis, but I am on a date with Eros here.” Morgan’s voice is a little more apologetic than I’d like.
“Is it because he has money? I have money, and you have more than both of us.”
“Hey, friend, what kind of bullshit is this? No need to insult Morgan because she didn’t want to date you. It’s not that serious. Take your L and move on.” This time I move from behind her chair to step between her and Louis. She doesn’t need to hear this crap.
“It’s an insult to your family. I was complimenting Morgan on her family’s good fortune.”
“That’s not better. First you implied that she only has interest in money, and second, you’re making a fool out of yourself. Everyone in here is watching us and wondering why their chef is making passes at customers instead of chopping onions. Don’t make this worse for yourself.” Has this guy lost his marbles? I suppose if one was to lose their marbles, it would be over a beauty like Morgan.