Page 8 of Marked With Love
I lickmy lips thinking about what it would be like to spend the night in Eros’ bed. I’ve already sized up his hands. There is a rough texture to them, and I itch to reach out and run my finger down his palm to feel it for myself.
Well, fuck me. I think I might actually be enjoying this man's company. I glance at the scotch in front of me. What if he slipped me something? A happy pill or something? Is that still a thing? I have no clue about any of this. I was an art major.
“We haven’t even had dinner yet and you’re inviting me back to your place?” I tease. At least I think I’m teasing. I’m in a very new territory. I tend to be bold and speak out for myself. I don’t often give a shit what others think of me.
Especially when it comes to men. The boys at boarding school did not help in my like of the opposite sex. They were the worst of the worst. But I was no pushover, and they hated me for it. I was always the one pushing back against them when they tried their little tricks on some of the girls. That put a target on my back. In a messed-up way, they kind of won. I’ve spent my adult life avoiding most men. I’m sure that’s some inner trauma they instilled into me.
“You are more than welcome into my home anytime you wish.” I pick up my drink to take a sip to hide my smile. His responses are smooth and really on point. He’s either really good at this or we’re actually connecting on some level. One I don’t think I’ve ever had with a man before.
“We’ll have to see what you pick for dessert.” I set my glass down. “That says a lot about a man.” I’m full of shit. I’m making this up as I go. I have no clue about men. I’ve never even been on a date before.
“That’s a lot of pressure.” He pulls at the collar of his shirt, making me laugh.
“You’re laughing!” Blake says, reappearing at the table. “She’s laughing.” She glances at Matty to make sure she’s not seeing things.
“I laugh. Remember that time you—”
“Don’t you do it.” Blake gives me the best glare she can muster. I wasn’t really going to spill any secrets, but it’s fun to work her up. Matty pulls out Blake’s chair for her as the server shows up with a few appetizers.
“Compliments of the chef.”
“That’s a damn good charcuterie board.” I pluck an olive off the tray before I pull my phone out of my purse. Blake does the same, but we’re taking pictures for two totally different reasons. Hers is going onto her Instagram.
“Don’t send that to Alf,” Blake scolds me.
“Alfred,” I correct before I hit send on the picture.
“You know how competitive he is about charcuterie boards. I swear you live to drive him insane.” Nah, I love Alfred. He’s like an uncle to me. He’s been with me my whole life. It was him that read me my first Batman comic and why I started calling him Alfred.
“You should be thanking me. Now we’ll be getting one every night for the next week because he’ll be trying to prove he is better.” Matty and Eros' eyes bounce between the two of us. My phone buzzes in my hand with a message from Grams. I hadn’t opened it and read the others yet.
Grams:Oh you can text Alfred but not me?!
I scroll through and see the ones she sent before laughing about the restaurant we’re at and asking me about my date.
“Should I be worried about this Alfred guy?” Eros asks.
“Nope. I mean, older men can be hot, but that’s like grandpa territory. Now Grams, that's who you should worry about. Say cheese,” I say, not really giving Eros a chance to pose for the picture. I send it to Grams so she’ll leave me be for a little, but damn she texts fast.
Grams:I wouldn't be upset if you didn’t come home this evening. That’s all I’m saying.
I can’t hold in my laugh. She’s too much. God, I love her.
“What?” I can tell Eros is really curious about what I’m texting. I did take a random picture of him.
I scroll down so he can only see Grams asking for a picture of my blind date and griping about me texting Alfred along with her comment about me not coming home tonight after she sees his picture.
“I think I like your Grams.” He smiles, and that dimple pops out again. “You live with your grandmother?” I can tell there is no judgment in his question. Matty already filled me in with his random comment about Eros’ home being one that was passed down through family.
“Yeah, since I left college. I’m not sure living in the city is for me. It’s nice being on the outskirts. People aren’t always my thing.”
“Her grams is the absolute best. Morgan talked me into moving back here when we graduated, and Violette opened her doors right up to me,” Blake says sweetly. I’ve never met a more thankful person in my life. I don’t know how she grew up in the system and I grew up in a fancy-ass private boarding school and she’s the one that turned out utterly sweet. I’m not really sure what I am, to be honest.
“I didn’t talk her into moving here. I kidnapped her,” I retort.
“I don’t think it would take much to kidnap anyone back to that house,” Matty jokes.