Page 16 of Roman
“You will, and you’re a wonderful person, Winter. We’re going to be together for a very long time, so I need to know it all, and I want you to give it to me.”
“I don’t know if I can.”
“You can.” I reached back to gently squeeze her thigh. “You’re the bravest person I know. You’ll do this because I asked you to. I promise you we’ll both be stronger for it.”
Chapter Five
For the first time since Roman had taken me for a ride on his bike, I wasn’t relaxed. The ride back to the compound was nerve-racking. The very last thing I wanted to do was discuss my past with him, but I suppose he deserved to know. I wasn’t sure I believed him about us being together, though I had no idea what his game was. I knew it hurt like hell when that woman had come on to Roman, but he’d shut it down. I’d seen his expression. I’d heard his words. And he was taking me back to the clubhouse with no plans on leaving me alone. He wanted a conversation I didn’t really want to give him, but he was withme. Not her. That had to mean something.
Once we got to the clubhouse, Roman took me to my room. “Check on your sister. See if she needs anything. If she does, we’ll get it for her, then go have our talk.”
I shook my head. “I don’t want to.”
“I know, baby. But you’re going to trust me. You’re going to give me a chance to prove I won’t let you down. I’ll be there with you, and I won’t leave you. Get me?”
“Not really.” I grumbled, but there was a flush of hope I wasn’t sure I welcomed. He could easily break my heart and never look back while I’d be devastated.
As I opened the door, I heard a woman weeping. It wasn’t a hard, raging cry, nor did it sound like she was frightened. It was more like the aftermath of a fright. Or relief?
“Whoa, there, honey.” Roman pulled me back gently, putting me behind him as he entered the room first. There was no danger in his club, but Roman wasn’t the kind of man to let a woman under his protection enter a room without making sure it was secure first. I had no idea exactly what I meant to him, but I knew he considered me his to protect.
“What are you doing? I need to get to my sister.” Was I fishing? Maybe. While the need to get to my sister was paramount, I couldn’t help but want him to be thinking of me.
“She’s fine.” Brick was on the couch. Serelda in his lap. She clung to him, crying softly. He’d wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and was rubbing her back up and down slowly, trying to soothe her.
“Serelda, honey.” I knelt on the floor, brushing the hair from my sister’s face. “What happened?”
“B-bad d-dream.”
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.” I turned to look at Roman over my shoulder. “I need to stay with her, Roman. We’ll have to talk another time.”
“I’ll stay with her if you two got shit to work out.” Brick hadn’t made a move to let her go or to get up off the couch. In fact, he looked like he’d settled in for the duration.
“No. She needs me.” Tears were leaking from my eyes. It felt like a punch to the gut to see Serelda so distraught.
Serelda sniffed, wiping her eyes with her forearm before turning to me. “It’s OK, Winter. I’ll be fine.” She laid her head on Brick’s shoulder and curled up on his lap like she belonged there. It was all I could do not to warn the big guy not to hurt her.
“I got this,” he said in a gruff tone.
“You sure, honey? I won’t go if you want me here, Serelda.”
“No. It’s fine. We came here to make a fresh start, Winter. You were right. We both need a life. Because what we’ve been living isn’t a life at all. No matter what Rycks said.”
“He meant well. They all did.”
“They hurt you, little warrior?” Brick cupped Serelda’s face and looked down at her, holding her gaze as he gently demanded his answer.
“Black Reign?” Serelda’s eyes got big, and she shook her head vehemently. “No! They saved us! They wrapped us up in a solid wall of protection.”
Brick held her gaze for long moments. Was he trying to read her? Judge whether or not she was telling the truth? Then he nodded. “All right. Fair enough.”
Roman urged me to my feet, taking my hand. “Come on, baby. Let’s go. We’ll come back later, and all of us’ll go to supper together.”
Serelda looked at me and nodded. Only then did I let Roman take me from the room. His quarters were down the hall. He unlocked his door and ushered me inside and to the couch.