Page 15 of Roman
I leaned in to kiss her cheek, and she allowed it, blushing as she looked around her. Was she embarrassed by the public display of affection? She hadn’t seemed to mind earlier when I’d kissed her outside. Then she put her palm over the large scar over her cheek. She did a good job of covering most of the scarring on her face, but the one she put her hand over was long and raised. It must have been deep, and it was obvious she hadn’t had medical attention for it.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” I tried to pull her closer, but she took a subtle step back. “Winter?”
“It’s nothing.” Her gaze darted around the restaurant. There were several people there, but no one seemed to be paying us any attention. She smiled, dropping her hand. “I’ll just be a minute.”
This didn’t sit well with me. I hadn’t addressed it with her, but it was obvious she was uncomfortable with her scars. It was still winter, no matter how mild the weather was, so she wore long sleeves. Her hair framed her face, covering as much as possible, and what was showing was layered in heavy makeup. It was a shame too, because Winter was the loveliest woman I’d ever seen. With or without her scars. I admired her strength and her determination to protect her sister. I never wanted her to hide from me.
When I ordered, the woman behind the counter looked me up and down like she wanted to eat me up. I ignored her, giving my order with disinterest. I could see trouble headed my way, and I absolutely would not fail this test. Winter would be devastated if I did, and I’d lose any chance I might have with her.
“You must be hungry,” the woman said, twirling her hair as she gave me a megawatt smile. “Big strapping man like you. Bettin’ you need lots of calories to fuel that big body.” I didn’t say anything, just stared at her. “You know, I get off in an hour.” She continued to twirl her hair, oblivious to the fact I wasn’t interested. “We could meet up.”
“Just get my fuckin’ food.” I slapped two bills on the counter a little harder than necessary. More than enough to pay for what I’d ordered. I turned to the soda area to fill our cups. Winter rarely drank anything other than water or the occasional beer, so I got her ice water and myself a Coke. Then I stood away from the counter to wait on the food and Winter.
Winter came out before our order was up, and I welcomed her into my arms, kissing the top of her head. “You good, baby?”
She looked up into my eyes and smiled. “Yes. I’m sorry. Just a little self-conscious. You know. My scars.” She looked down, but I caught her chin with the crook of my finger.
“No reason for that. You’re beautiful, Winter. Inside and out.” Again, I leaned in and kissed her softly. When I pulled back, her eyes were closed, and she had a little, bemused smile on her face.
She opened her eyes, her lips still parted, and she brought her fingers to her mouth. Her hands trembled slightly. I smiled down at her as she whispered, “Wow.”
I chuckled. “You’re good for my fuckin’ ego, baby. Come on. Let’s eat.”
The girl at the counter had our food on a tray, ready for pickup. I did, and she winked at me. “One hour,” she whispered. “I’ll meet you out back.”
I heard Winter suck in a breath and could have happily shot the bitch behind the counter. I leaned in and bared my teeth at her. “That’s one. You don’t get a second. Why would I want to be with you when I have her?” I gestured to Winter. Then I looked the waitress up and down with as much disgust as I could. “I’m not interested.”
Winter’s head was down, her hair veiling her expression. I walked her to a table in the corner of the room. I wanted as far away from the counter as possible. If I hadn’t known Winter hadn’t eaten all day, I’d have just trashed it all and taken her home. But she had to be hungry. This wasn’t much, but it would hold her until we got back to the clubhouse.
“Fuckin’ bitch,” I couldn’t help muttering under my breath. This wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened, but it was bad enough. I reached for Winter’s hand and held it when she tried to pull free. “Don’t.” I hadn’t sat across from her. Instead, I’d put her next to the wall in a booth seat with me on the outside.
“Are you going to --”
“No, Winter. And I think you know I’m not. She’s just a spoiled girl used to getting whatever she wants. She saw my beard and tats and assumed I’d behave a certain way. That’s all it was.”
“I get it if you want her, Roman. I do.”
I met her gaze and held it for long moments, hoping she could see the truth in my eyes. “I don’t.” When she finally nodded her understanding, I put an arm around her. “I told you, Winter. You’re my woman. You think I’d let just anyone wear my colors? You’ve been part of an MC for a lot of years. How many men’ve you seen put their jacket on a woman?”
“None,” she whispered. “The officers don’t have colors at Black Reign, but the other patched members do. No one wears a member’s colors but the member.”
“Same here at Iron Tzars, honey. The fact that I put my colors on you for any reason should tell you something.” I needed her to understand I was serious but wasn’t sure how to do it other than to give her time.
We ate in silence. Winter mostly picked at her burger and nibbled on a couple of fries. She drank most of her water, thank God. I knew she needed it. I could see her glancing at the counter, looking at the woman who’d tried to encroach on her territory. There was longing and sadness reflected on Winter’s face that broke my heart. So help me God, if it was the last thing I did, I’d make her believe she was beautiful. And that she was the only woman for me.
Once we were finished, I helped her back on the bike before climbing on myself. “I need your arms tight around me, Winter. I want to feel you pressed against me.” She did as I asked. I knew she would. Probably would have even if I hadn’t asked, but I wanted her to know I needed her as much as I was sure she needed me. And I didn’t mean in just a physical sense. Yeah, I wanted her body, but more than anything, I wanted her heart. Winter was the kind of woman who wouldn’t give part of herself -- physical or otherwise -- to anyone unless she was all in. To be all in, she had to trust that person. I wasn’t there yet, but I wanted to be and was willing to do whatever I had to do for her to realize I’d protect and cherish her with everything I had inside me. As a former Marine and the enforcer of my club, I had a lot inside me. I’d give everything to her and never think twice about it.
I looked back over my shoulder. “When we get back to the compound, you and I need to have a talk. You feel up to it?”
“I need to check on my sister. What do you want to talk about?”
“Your past. My past. We need to get everything out in the open so we both know what we’re dealing with.”
“I’d have thought you already knew about my past.” She sounded small and unsure of herself. Not something I ever wanted her to feel.
“I only know the basics. You’re going to tell me all of it. When you do, I’m never going to tell another soul. It will be our secret. But youaregoing to tell me. I need to know.”
“Why? I’ll still be the same person I am now.”