Page 51 of My Best Friend's Billionaire Brother
“Quinn, oh my gosh, you’re okay.” It was Lucy. “Nobody’s been able to reach Weston all morning. Is he with you?”
I looked around, remembering he had been with me last night before I passed out.
“He was last night. Let me check.”
I called out for him. No answer.
I stepped out into the hall and called his name again. I heard pots being banged around in the kitchen.
“Hold on, Lu.”
“Weston, is that you?” I rounded the corner to see the chef, Pierre removing a handful of pots from a cabinet.
“It is just me, Madame,” he said in his French accent. “I’m afraid I haven’t seen Weston this morning. Perhaps he has gone for a run?”
“Maybe. Thanks, Pierre.”
I turned back to Lucy’s call. “He’s not here,” I told her.
“Not there,” she repeated back to Drayven.
“What’s going on?” I asked her, worried.
“Both Father and mother have gone missing, Quinn. And now we can’t get ahold of Weston. Something is not right. Jax and Dray are looking into it. They’ve been able to track some communication, and they think it might be the Romanian group again.”
I rubbed my head, trying to understand.
“Wait, they’ve been kidnapped?”
“We don’t know yet, but for all of them to be unreachable. Something has happened.”
Oh my god, Weston.
“We’re heading over to you now. Don’t go anywhere. Stay inside.”
I looked at the time on my phone. 9:16.
“They’re going to try to wake up mama at noon. I have to be there. I can’t leave her,” I cried out.
“Quinn, no, something serious is happening. We can’t let you get hurt. You or the baby!”
“There is no fucking baby!” I yelled, filled with rage.
She was silent.
“What do you mean there’s no baby?”
“We made it up, all right? It’s all been a hoax. Weston and I aren’t really married. I’m not pregnant with his child. None of this is real. None of it! The only real thing I have is about to wake up in Seattle Regional and she needs me.”
I hung up the phone and tossed it to the floor, cracking the screen.
Whatever was going on, it didn’t matter. I needed to get back to my mama.
I quickly got dressed between crying and screaming and throwing things. My emotions were haywire. I was uncontrollable.
I stepped into the elevator and fumbled with my phone, trying to get an Uber.
The chipped screen made my finger bleed and I winced at the sharp pain.