Page 50 of My Best Friend's Billionaire Brother
“I’ve been offered a very generous deal,” he said taking a sip.
“That doesn’t sound like a problem.”
“Well, it’s not…entirely.”
“So, what’s the deal? Who’s offering it.”
“Let me just say, it’s not how I normally conduct business. But things in Romania are getting out of hand, and they’ve asked for our assistance.”
I took a sip of the scotch. “Would you please just get to the point?” I insisted.
“We’ve been offered 12 billion dollars to provide the Romanian prime minister with an elite platoon of trained assailants.”
“Um, what?”
“I know it sounds ludicrous, but no other company has access to the resources, training, and manpower we do.”
“So, the prime minister is offering an entire country’s funds in return for fifty trained killers? I thought we were a security firm, not a hit squad. And I don’t understand why they don’t just get them from the military. Why are they coming to us with this?” I gulped down the remainder of the drink to wrap my head around what he was saying.
“It doesn’t make much sense to me either, but you don’t just turn your back on this amount of money.”
“Um, yes, we do. We don’t deal in black market requests. This is criminal. We could lose everything.”
Dominic set his unfinished glass down on his desk.
“I had a feeling you were going to say that. That’s why I went ahead and signed the deal without you.”
“You what?” I growled. “Are you insane? We can’t get involved in this. Who knows what they’re up to. And if you’ve already gone through with this, why even bother telling me about it?”
“Weston, I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure working with you, but to be honest, it’s been just one giant disappointment.”
“No.You’rethe disappointment. And I’m going to make sure you spend the rest of your phony life behind bars. You will not take us down with you.” I pointed at him. “You won’t get away with this.”
“Actually, I will.”
Two hulking men appeared quietly in the doorway.
“Hopefully, this will teach you to never go against what I say.”
Before I could understand what was happening, duct tape smacked against my mouth, and a black bag was shoved over my head. My hands and legs were quickly tied together, and I was being carried out by the two figures.
I tried to punch. I tried to kick. But I was trapped. They threw me into what seemed like the back of a van.
“Don’t move, Mr. Richie rich boy,” said a voice in a strong Russian accent.
“Nobody is going to be able to find you,” said the other in an Australian accent.
Was this the UN of kidnappers?
I tried to wrench out of the ties, but nothing worked. I screamed as loud as I could with the duct tape, and the next thing I knew, something hit me across the head, and I blacked out.
I hadn’t slept so wellfor as long as I could remember. I woke up to my phone vibrating next to me on the theater room’s red sofa.
I answered groggily.