Page 53 of The Rage of Reading
“Stop that, you cunt!” Dina shrieked, stamping a foot. Jett broke the kiss; I leaned around him.
“You fucked up,” I said, pointing my finger at Dina. “Seriously screwed up when you came here to screw with Jett.” Anger showed in every word I bit out.
“We’ll see whose man Jett is when he gets those results. Jett’ll put a ring on me,” Dina sneered. “Jett wants the brat, and to get Ursula, Jett has to have me, too.” I stormed towards Dina, fury burning hotly, and this time Apache snagged me around the waist as I got within a foot of her.
“Jett’s mine bitch. He’ll always be mine. Those tests return the way I think they will; we’ll both be seeing you in court. And honey, you’ve got no clue who I am or what I can bring to the table. You have no idea who Jett’s friends are. Believe me, I’ll contact everyone and anyone to prove Jett will be a better parent than you ever would be,” I said firmly, getting into her face. I shoved my finger at Dina on each point I made. Finally, doubt flickered in Dina’s eyes, and then she was back to being bold and brassy.
“Jett’s a biker in an MC. No one will give a gangbanger a kid.”
“How much are you willing to bet on that? Because there’s a heck of a lot of difference between those two,” I replied sarcastically and saw worry return. “Make sure Dina doesn’t leave until we’re ready for the appointment,” I announced to the room.
“Doc Gibbons can see us in an hour and a half,” the suited guy said, texting on his phone.
“Thanks, Steven. Can you get that proposal started now?” Phoe asked, walking over to the man and putting her hand on his arm.
“It will be drafted by this afternoon, and I’ll file it and make a few calls. Even if Jett’s DNA doesn’t match, that child doesn’t deserve a mother like that,” Steven replied. I didn’t hear any more as I dragged Jett out back towards his bunk. My mind was racing, and I was unsure how to mention what I needed to. We entered Jett’s room, and Jett sank down onto his bed.
“That was so hot, baby.”
“Thank you,” I muttered, my thoughts racing.
“Fuck! A kid!” Jett exploded, leaping to his feet and smashing his hand into the drywall. “Can you imagine what fucked up shit Dina has done to her?” Jett punched the wall again.
“I love you.”
Jett stopped punching and his body locked up before turning to face me. Tears were in my eyes, and I was biting my lip hard.
“What?” Jett bit out. I wasn’t sure if he was angry I’d said it. For once, I couldn’t read Jett.
“I love you,” I repeated in a much softer voice.
Seconds later, I was in Jett’s arms, tumbling towards the bed, and he was ripping my clothes off me. I freed my hands and grabbed Jett’s belt, moaning when I couldn’t get it undone. Jett’s hands brushed mine away, his mouth on mine, our tongues duelling. In mere moments, Jett was slamming inside me, and I was clawing at him, desperate for Jett to go deep and make me his.
This was not making love. This was claiming. It was hard and brutal on both sides. I bit him, marking him, making him mine. Jett tightened his grip on my hips as he thrust hard with an edge of desperation. I scratched Jett’s back and sank my nails into his ass. Jett pushed deep, and I dug my nails in to force Jett even deeper. I screamed his name as I orgasmed, and seconds later, Jett yelled mine as he found release with a forceful thrust.
“Love you, Sin, fuckin’ love you to death,” Jett said, collapsing next to me. I panted, trying to regain my breath to tell Jett what our following steps would be.
“Love you,” I replied lamely, and Jett rolled me into his arms and held on tight.
“Didn’t want to rush you, but I fell in love with you the first time you curled in my arms, heartbroken. You trusted me to protect you,” Jett whispered, kissing the top of my head.
“Are you going to tell me about Dina?” Jett flopped on his back and covered his eyes with his arm. Jett took a few minutes, dragging a sheet over us, but he finally spoke.
“Don’t want her in our bed, but ya need to know, Sin. Dina wasn’t always like this. Not when I met her five years ago. Dina was in college, studying business management and doing well. At first, Dina was amazing, and we were solid. Stable enough that after a year, she’d moved in with me and had my ring on her finger. Dina was funny and sweet. I wanted the dream, a white picket fence and a family. I worked hard as a mechanic back then. Money was okay, and we’d have a decent life. Then Dina found new friends. Assholes who got her into shit. I kept trying to get Dina clean and straighten her out.
“Dina was kicked from college, and I’d be walking the streets for hours looking for her. I’d find Dina on her knees sucking cock for drugs. So many fights, and I broke when I came home and discovered Dina in bed with my brother. Didn’t do or say anything. I packed my bags and walked while the pair of them hopped around getting dressed and trying to explain.” I sighed, heartbroken for Jett.
“Your own brother did that to you?” Poor Jett, how awful to have your sibling turn on you.
“Martin was always a jealous prick. He was two years older but bland. My parents were proud of us both, though, but Martin’s resentment got out of hand. He was in banking, and I went into mechanics. Was just getting a name for myself designing, and Martin’s jealousy shot into over-drive.
“Martin claimed Dina seduced him, and my parents, knowing of her addictions and what Dina was putting me through, took Martin’s side. Caused a rift in my family, and we ain’t spoken since. But I was damn lucky, what they did could have left me insecure and paranoid against all women. Instead I saw the love Phoe, Marsha and Artemis have for their men, and know not all women are bitches. Just a minority.”
I was furious on Jett’s behalf and then realised that Jett wouldn’t have Rage if Jett hadn’t left them behind. I told Jett that, and he grinned and pulled me tight.
“Yeah, babe, I wouldn’t have my brothers or you. So Martin and Dina did me a favour. They just don’t know it.”
I made my decision there and then and acted on instinct instead of thinking things through in my usual way.