Page 52 of The Rage of Reading
Jett took an angry step, and Drake’s arm shot across his chest, stopping him.
Drake jerked his head towards Ace, and moving fast, Ace tore Ursula from Dina’s arms and placed her in Jett’s. Ace yanked Dina’s arm out, and Texas stepped forward and began snapping shots with his phone.
“Cunt wants money to shoot up with,” Drake snarled. Dina shrieked and kicked out at Texas, who released her. “Don’t give her that kid, prospect,” Drake growled.
“You can’t take her. Ursula’s mine,” Dina yelled and tried to sidestep Drake. The brothers formed a barricade between Jett and Dina. The air of anger and disgust rolling off them nearly choking me.
“Drake, give her the baby,” a male voice spoke from behind us. A smartly dressed man in a suit stepped forward. My eyes cautiously followed him. Dina took her chance and grabbed the child from Phoe, to whom Jett had handed the little one. The toddler gave a cry, and Phoe let go, not wanting to hurt her.
“The fuck I do. That slut is whacked out on drugs and claiming my brother is the kid’s father. Ain’t handing no kid back to that shit,” Drake snarled.
“By law…” the man began, and both Drake and Jett snarled, cutting him off.
“Not turning my baby over to the bitch,” Jett spat.
“I’ll organise a DNA test this afternoon. Doc Gibbons will do it. We’ll pay to put a rush on the results. Once we got them, we can act,” the guy said soothingly.
“Ain’t leaving my daughter with that cunt,” Jett growled, anger and resentment in every line of his body.
“You’ve no choice because anything else is kidnapping. Jett, I know a couple of judges here. As soon as we have those test results, I’ll have a hearing ready.”
“What? You ain’t taking my kid away,” Dina hissed. The man spun on her.
“Listen up, lady. I have everything you said on camera.Everything. Including the fact you don’t want the child and that she’s only a meal ticket for you to force money out of Jett. We now have photos of those track marks. And we don’t even need them because I can get this into family court in two weeks, and they’ll still be visible. Jett’s DNA comes back a match, there’s no judge who will give you custody over him.”
“It’s because of Jett I’m addicted. Ask him! Go on! Jett bought me the shit and got me hooked. No judge will give Jett custody!” Dina yelled, turning bitter eyes on Jett, who paled. My heart spluttered, and for a few seconds, I wondered if Dina was telling the truth, and then I looked at Jett. No, Jett hadn’t got her addicted. How could I doubt him?
“That’s what your story’s gonna be, bitch?” Jett whispered. “Don’t touch drugs, never have, not even weed. Come here with my babe, to smack me down to support your habit and think I’m letting you walk away with my daughter? Got another thing coming. If Ursula’s mine, I’m taking her.” I gulped at the level of hate in his voice. Manny’s hand moved in soothing circles on my hip. Damn, I couldn’t believe this. How the hell had our day gone so badly wrong?
“You ain’t getting shit. Jett, I’ll tell the judge I was a good college student with a future. And you came along on your bike and the bad boy rep, that ruined me. Got me drunk and hooked on drugs so you could control me and have your way with me and pimp me out. Who she gonna believe?” Dina sneered.
My gaze searched the tiny girl, who was silent. She appeared terrified, and she looked green from being swung around so much.
“Jett, stop,” I said. Jett’s eyes snapped to me. “Keep Dina here with the child. Drive her to the hospital and get the tests completed. Have the lawyer rush the DNA results, take Dina to a hotel, and feed them. Put a brother on the hotel’s door, so Dina can’t run. Call Hawthorne and Detective Ramirez.”
Jett gave a sharp nod.
“Ain’t going to no motel bitch, I’m staying with Jett,” Dina sneered. Dina dug in her bag for something and pulled out a cigarette. To my disbelieving eyes, Dina lit it while still holding her daughter.
“Second-hand smoke is bad for kids,” I told Dina, reining in my anger.
“Fuck you cunt, you know I was once like you. Sweet and innocent, till asshole got his hands on me.”
“Screw you, bitch,” I said, leaning forward in Manny’s arms, my temper flaring. Dina’s eyes grew wide as I took a step, and Manny drew me back. “You came here to coerce my boyfriend, my man! To try and blackmail Jett into giving you money, and you light up and smoke while your daughter’s on your hip. How do you think I’ll trust anything you say?” I sneered. Annoyed, I met Jett’s gaze and saw the relief on his face. What did Jett believe I would do? Run out on him? This complicated our future, but Jett was my partner. Anger welling, I turned to Dina.
“You aren’t going anywhere near Jett. He lives with me, and no way on earth are you staying at my house. You just made the biggest mistake in your pathetic whacked-out life. Once we confirm Ursula’s Jett’s, we’re taking Ursula, and I dare you to stop us.” Despite Manny having his arms firmly around my waist, I still managed to get my hands on my hips and glare at the smoking bitch.
“Sin?” Jett asked gently, his eyes searching me for a clue. Whatever Jett saw there reassured him.
“You claim me?”
“Yup.” Jett nodded.
“Then I claimed you and the shit that came with you. You’re mine.”
Jett’s eyes blazed for a different reason, and Jett strode forward. Manny released me, and Jett cupped my face and gazed into my eyes.
“Never understand what I did to deserve you,” Jett whispered and took my mouth. I kissed Jett back, putting everything I felt into it, and I hoped Jett sensed it.