Page 48 of The Rage of Reading
I nodded shyly. Jett scorched me with a kiss, and I got off his lap and walked with dignity to the table. Reid kindly let me take the lead, and Reid began explaining to the men how they could help.
To my surprise, they all seemed interested in how we took care of the documents. Without a murmur, Rage gloved up and helped hand over the items Reid and I needed. There were several squeals from me and even from Reid as the afternoon passed us by. Reid and I put each item into protective sleeves, while Apache and Ace labelled them with what we directed them to write.
Silvie entered them into the system, and Drake and Rock put them on the piles we had directed to be compiled. Jett gathered the items we required when we came across a damaged document or fragile piece of paper. We finally cleared the books and loose paperwork and stared at the bottom of the chest.
“Wow,” Silvie said as we gazed at the carefully wrapped a few dozen miniatures stacked neatly.
“We hit the mother lode,” Reid whispered in reverence. I reached out a hand to Jett and squeezed it when he took hold.
“Holy hell!” I said, stunned, and Drake winked at me. That was hot.
“You’ll never complain when I go buying in England again!” Reid laughed.
Jett and the others left after a couple hours, while Reid and I stayed late documenting everything. We’d mentioned security to man the store at night until we understood precisely what was in our hands. I knew the chest was huge, but we weren’t sure how big.
From what we’d seen so far, there was a list of members, including code names for some, dates of joining and death or leaving. We had diaries of Hellfire Club members that needed to be read and catalogued. We’d letters from one member to another and several other documents which needed investigating.
There were the miniatures and a final surprise of a box of solid gold signet rings. One for each member of the Hellfire Club. Each ring had a stone set into it, a symbol and a set of initials carved into the back. We’d have to link up the rings and miniatures against the member list. There had a set of heavy gold chains, which I assumed meant, without proof yet, that there had been a hierarchy in the club.
There was a pattern in each ring’s gemstone; some held sapphires, others had rubies, which led me to the same conclusion of a hierarchy. Today we’d achieved separating the books, diaries, and documents into piles. Tomorrow we’d begin going through them to see what we had. The other trunks and crates needed checking and cataloguing, so we didn’t know where to start.
Despite me hopping around Rage like a lunatic, no one knew we had the Hellfire Club chest apart from the Rage members who had been present. We’d explained to Drake what this meant and what the discovery was worth. Drake assured us that none of his brothers would talk and possibly endanger Reid or me.
Drake had given us a contact number for Hawthorne’s Investigations and told us to speak to a guy called Dylan Hawthorne, who provided security. He’d also provided us with a direct line to Artemis, Ace’s old lady, who could help if Hawthorne’s couldn’t. Reid called Hawthorne and was informed that Hawthorne had arranged night guards with two of his guys. Seems they watched the Vault after all.
Niko and Max would stay in the shop the next few nights while monitoring our CCTV. Jett whispered that Hawthorne was covering our cameras, so this wasn’t a big deal. I insisted on paying even though Dylan Hawthorne had said he’d accept a marker, whatever that was. Drake had agreed, but I’d argued against Drake, and he must have seen me steal myself to do so because Drake let me have my way.
While Reid, Drake, and Hawthorne had a three-way conversation, I clicked on Hawthorne’s website. I discovered that Hawthorne’s Investigations was the premier private eye and security company in South Dakota. This led to me knowing that when Reid informed me how much security would cost, Dylan Hawthorne had severely discounted his costs.
I added that favour to the mental tally that was building up. As he preferred to be called, Hawthorne just asked that his guys have food and drink. And if we didn’t mind if they could help themselves to books. I told Hawthorne we’d keep a tray of pastries in the fridge and leave the coffee maker on for his men. Hawthorne replied it was a deal.
After the Rage brothers had left and we’d finished sorting through the chest, we began locking away the items in one of the large safes. The rest of the contents of the crates we put into drawers and locked up the Vault. It was nearly nine at night, and I yawned, suddenly overwhelmed with tiredness. Reid slung an arm around my shoulder as he led me to his car, and before we reached the end of the street, I was asleep.
I woke up the next day toasty warm and with an unfamiliar weight across my waist and boobs. Frowning, I opened my eyes and stared at the vision of beauty in front of my face. I was tucked into Jett’s shoulder on my side, facing him with one of Jett’s arms across my boobs and the other arm wrapped securely and firmly around my midriff.
Ugh, did I miss something last night? The final thing I recalled was settling into Reid’s car and zilch, not getting out or walking into the house. Silently biting my lip, I lifted the bedcovers and saw that I was in pyjamas, which led to the question of who had changed me!
Jett grunted in his sleep and relaxed his tight grip on my waist, so I moved out of his reach. Once my legs hit the side of the bed, I got to my feet and crept into the adjoining bathroom. Shutting the door quietly, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Sleepily trying to puzzle it out, I opened the door and saw a pair of sleepy eyes staring at me.
Oh, my giddy aunt. Jett nearly stopped my heart. I had to remind myself to breathe as Jett sat up, and the sheet fell down his bare chest. Jett rubbed his eyes cutely and sent me a beatific grin.
“Morning, baby,” Jett rumbled, and he popped a mint into that sexy mouth. One of the mints I kept on top of my bedside table for some insane reason. I hovered by the bathroom door, rubbing one foot up my leg in nervousness. My eyes couldn’t move from that beautifully carved chest and muscles.
“Hey,” I finally replied when Jett sent me a quizzical look at my lack of response.
“How you feeling? You were out like a light.”
“Who undressed me?” I blurted and saw lazy warmness in Jett’s eyes.
“Would it matter?” Jett asked; I nodded, tongue in cheek. “You did, Sin. You roused yourself enough to strip and put pyjamas on,” Jett replied. Jett laughed at the outraged look on my face, knowing I thought it had been him! I gave a low growl and tackled Jett on the bed, tickling him; I didn’t get very far. Jett adeptly flipped me onto my back, laid his lean muscled length over my body, and kissed me mindless.
My hands slipped up Jett’s back as he growled deep in his throat and deepened the kiss. Jett’s skin was like silk over steel, muscles well defined that I could feel every clench and twitch as I ran my hands gently over his smooth skin. Hands grabbed mine, and Jett held them above my head.
“Kitten, I’ll ask this once. Are you sure you want this? Want me?”