Page 47 of The Rage of Reading
“You came shrieking onto the forecourt and then into the clubhouse. Thought there was trouble,” Ace chided sternly.
My excitement dropped, and I gazed at the grim-faced men staring back at me.
“Oh. I’m sorry,” I replied in a small voice, dropping my gaze. Crap, I hadn’t thought of that. A hand closed around my shoulder, and I refused to look up.
“Hey, it’s okay, Sin. You’re excited. We can see that. Wanna tell us what is so exciting?” Jett asked.
I shook my head, the giddiness faded, and I toed the floor with my shoe. I heard a sigh, and a body stood in front of me, and a finger tipped my chin up.
“What is this Order of the Knights of St Francis then, girl? All that excitement and hollering, thinking you owe us an explanation,” Drake said, offering me a panty-melting grin.
I stared at Drake’s mouth. How on earth did Phoenix manage to work with that smile? Drake grinned wider at my dazed expression, and Jett huffed at Drake and turned me to face him.
That was worse, as Jett wore a gentle look and a half-smile tilting the corners of his mouth. Jett’s eyes blazed down at me, and I shivered under his hand as they promised me something I’d never dared to reach for before.
“Sinclair. The Order of the Knights of St Francis? What links do they have to Hellfire MC?” I turned and faced Apache, puzzled.
“Hellfire MC?” I asked. “No, the Hellfire Club.”
“Hellfire MC is linked to us, a brother MC. You were screaming about them,” Apache drawled.
“No, I was shrieking about the Hellfire Club, the eighteenth-century Hellfire Club.” I began bouncing on my feet again as I looked at the wooden chest. Reid still hadn’t moved and gazed down at the trunk in rapture.
“I don’t understand,” Silvie said, leaning forward.
“In the eighteenth century, Sir Francis Dashwood created a club for his friends. They were rakes, hellraisers, immoral, and lawless. Dashwood called the club the Order of the Knights of St Francis. They held rituals and orgies and did the things polite society back then frowned upon. The order became known later on as the Hellfire Club,” I explained and saw comprehension dawn on everyone.
“Shit,” Reid exclaimed, interrupting. He reached down into the chest, and I heard the rustling of papers.
“Don’t damage them!” I yelled, flying towards him. Reid lifted his head and held out his hand. I skidded to a halt and stared. Nestled in his palm were two miniatures, one easily recognisable as Sir Francis and the second I vaguely recognised.
“Is that what I think it is?” I asked, rocking back into a hard body. Someone’s arms steadied my waist, and I reached up and patted Drake’s very nice chest absentmindedly. Reid cautiously turned the miniatures, and inscribed on the rear were names of the portrait models. Sir Francis Dashwood and Thomas Potter.
“There’s more, carefully wrapped and stored at the bottom,” Reid said, gazing at me.
Reid caught me as I nearly climbed into the trunk to reach them.
“Portraits of the members! Oh, my word!” I yelled and threw my fists in the air. I couldn’t, for love or money, ever remember being so excited.
“There’re personal diaries and more records and lots of letters. What looks to be a donation list, and fuck knows what else. This is huge, a treasure trove. Sin, I can see the edge of what I suspect is another frame.”
I spun on my heel and threw my arms around the nearest person. Apache, the recipient, looked bemused. Jett, however, was irritated. Apache patted me on the shoulder, and I flew across to Jett and leapt. Luckily, he caught me, and I wrapped my legs around Jett’s waist. I bounced up and down, and Jett gave a pained groan.
“Can you imagine the treasures in here? Even one book about the Hellfire Club is worth serious money, but that lot as a collection? Jett, seven figures easily!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around Jett’s neck. Jett hooked a stool with his foot and sat his ass on the edge.
“Kitten, love how excited you are. But keep bouncing on my cock like that, and you’re gonna get a different kinda excitement,” Jett groaned. I wriggled in his lap and froze as laughter came from behind and buried my head in his throat.
“Everything’s fine, Fish. Sin found something historically valuable and got over-excited. Yeah, yeah, girl’s good. Tell the brothers to stand down,” Ace said, and I jammed even further into Jett’s neck.
“Yeah, it’s serious and exciting, not sure what, but the girl is hot to trot, and Reid looks like someone beaned him over the head. Words being used that this will change history. Whatever it is from what I’m following, the discovery is massive,” Ace replied to something asked.
“Huge is an understatement,” I whispered into Jett’s ear.
Drake chuckled behind me.
“Will do, brother. Cancel the shout to Hellfire. Tell Chance Drake will contact him later.” Ace ended the call and glanced over at me.
“So, woman. Want help with your fuckin’ incredible find and shit?” Ace asked.