Page 110 of Touch of Hate
Lids squeezed closed tightly, I breathe deep to steady myself. I can’t get her out of my head. Over the past few days, I’ve seen her everywhere.
Along with William. Even Joseph, and I know he’s dead.
It doesn’t matter. He’s still alive in my memory, just as big, imposing, and merciless as ever.
Not this time, bitch. This time, I’m a step ahead of you.
I flex my hands, remembering how they felt coated in Christian’s blood. He always considered himself untouchable, didn’t he?
Secure in his power. And look where he is now.
Even with all my reassurances, it isn’t until we reach the suite I reserved that I’m able to relinquish my hold on Scarlet. We’re safe here. “Don’t open the door for anyone.” I remind her just the same, checking out the bathroom and the closet in case someone is lying in wait. I wouldn’t put it past them.
“Don’t worry.” She’s busy exploring the suite, admiring the expansive mountain view, the marble counters, and the shower, even bouncing on the king-sized bed as if to test it out. It does look a lot more comfortable than the one we’ve gotten used to sharing.
“I do worry. You are far too precious not to worry about.”
She only smiles brightly while unpacking our dinner outfits and hanging them in the closet. It took another trip to town, but we now own clothes suitable for dinner in a nice steakhouse.
From Walmart. Fuck, I owe her so much. She’s used to more than this. She was raised to stand by the side of a mafia boss and shop in high-end boutiques.
Yet she’s never once complained.
I’m able to forget everything else for a moment.
“Come here.” I take a seat at the foot of the bed before pulling her onto my lap. “I want you to know I intend to make this up to you. If it takes the rest of my life, I’ll make up for the time we’ve lost and all the shit I’ve put you through. I promise.”
Her eyes twinkle as she runs a hand down my cheek. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
For now, I’m at peace.
* * *
“I should have sat outside.”
It takes a second for Scarlet’s comment to filter into my awareness, rising above the cheerful din of the restaurant and the ever-present chaos in my head.
“What do you mean?” I ask, turning to her, admiring once again how beautiful she is in the light from the candle in the center of the table. It casts a warm glow over her perfect face, and for a moment, I can almost believe she truly is an angel sent to me.
The sarcastic twist of her glossy mouth brings reality crashing back before she speaks. “We’ve been sitting here for forty-five minutes, and I think you’ve looked at me twice.”
She then makes a big deal of looking outside, squinting, and leaning closer to the window overlooking the Riverwalk. “I don’t see anybody threatening out there. You can’t expect them to be everywhere we go. You’ll drive yourself nuts.”
She’s being gentle and loving, but that doesn’t keep me from bristling. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t expect. I know these people. You don’t.”
Immediately, she sits up straighter, nodding firmly. “Of course. I didn’t think about it like that. But I wish you could enjoy yourself a little since we came all this way.”
“I’m enjoying you enjoying yourself.”
All she does is pick up her silverware and return to her grilled salmon after offering a half-hearted smile. More than half of my porterhouse is still left, but I can’t seem to find the appetite for it, no matter how delicious it is or how incredible it smells in the restaurant.
Focus. Who cares about a fucking steak?
True, when we’re only miles from New Haven.
What are the odds that someone recognized me as we drove through town or while we drove the few minutes to the restaurant? Why did I think coming out for dinner would be a good idea? We should’ve gotten room service. I could be in bed with my angel right now, secure behind the double-bolted door while she’s splayed out under me on that big bed. My dick twitches at the notion, one I intend to turn into reality very soon.
Instead, we have a server who can’t take his eyes off her every time he stops by the table. I’ve never had a server pay this many visits during a single meal. It doesn’t help that Scarlet manages to make an inexpensive dress look like it cost a fortune, her perfect body encased in black fabric that molds itself to her every curve. I’m surprised a line of horny customers isn’t waiting their turn to ogle her.