Page 109 of Touch of Hate
But first, I have to do what I came to Reno to accomplish.
My angel is busy admiring the hotels and the people walking up and down both sides of the crowded street. My dark mood hasn’t affected her excitement.
“Where are we staying?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.” A pair of kids in clothes that have seen better days walk down the sidewalk not twenty feet away, and the impulse to pull over and warn them is almost too much to resist. I can’t assume every kid who looks like they just rolled out of bed is a potential victim.
Scarlet’s squeal leaves me slamming on the brakes not a second too soon. Otherwise, I would’ve blown through a red light and gotten T-boned. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass?
To die here, in the middle of the street, falling short of my goal. My death wouldn’t mean shit, but hers… it would mean everything.
“You okay?” I ask, still searching the crowd for any familiar faces.
“Fine,” she says shakily, pretending to wipe sweat from her forehead. “I always love watching my life flash before my eyes.”
I have to get my shit together. This isn’t only my life, but hers. My angel deserves my full attention. What happens tomorrow can wait until tomorrow. Tonight, it’s all about her. Us.
That attitude lasts until I pull into the front courtyard of the hotel. Immediately, a valet approaches, wearing a smile as he reaches for the passenger door handle. “Welcome to Peppermill.”
No. My instincts scream out against letting anyone else behind the wheel. “Where’s the garage entrance?” I ask, leaning over Scarlet’s lap.
“Just this way, sir.” He gestures toward a ramp leading up to the adjoining structure. “But we offer complimentary—”
“No, thanks.” I pull ahead before he can finish his spiel and roll into the garage. I want to park close to the door leading into the hotel, in case there’s a need for a quick escape. There are so many possibilities and so many situations to account for. Scarlet can afford to giggle at the stunned valet’s reaction. She doesn’t have the outcome of years of planning weighing on her.
“You realize this is the first time we’ve ever stayed in a hotel together?” She winks my way once I’ve parked, unbuckling her belt. “Another first.”
I wish it was easier to meet her energy, to smile genuinely. At this time tomorrow, I’ll be able to. This phase will be over. Rebecca will know she’s in our crosshairs.
That is, if she’s still breathing.
If River has his way, she won’t be. As much as I’d like to guarantee it, I can’t pretend this is going to be easy or completely predictable. In a perfect world, I’d walk into her quarters and blow her fucking brains out, followed by her son’s and anyone stupid enough to get in my way.
In this world, the world in which I’m now walking the light of my life into the hotel lobby, I have more than myself to consider. Scarlet will have to come with me. I can’t take too many risks when I have her precious life to consider.
She wriggles happily when the arm I draped around her waist tightens at the thought of River’s reaction if I were to share my concerns.
I’m not about to let her go, and I’ll be damned if I leave her behind.
“What’s wrong?” she whispers when we arrive at the front desk, concern filling her voice. “Are you okay?”
“Why do you ask?”
“You keep looking around like you’re expecting to find somebody.” Her forehead creases. “Is River meeting us here, and you didn’t tell me?” The way her voice sours doesn’t leave much room to wonder how she feels about the idea.
“No. Nobody’s meeting us here.”
Good. Let her think that’s who I’m looking for. I don’t need her freaking out again like she did last week, getting emotional and leaving me questioning all of this in light of the pain it’s causing her.
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sure.” Meanwhile, my head moves this way and that as I try to take in the many faces of everyone around us. I wouldn’t put it past Rebecca to be a step ahead of me.
“How many times must you be told?” I can almost smell her perfume, heavy and floral, and it’s enough to make me gag. I could always smell it on my clothes hours after being around her since she wore so much.
“No matter how clever you think you are, someone is always watching you. We will always be one step ahead.”