Page 27 of Dancin' with Demons
She’s literally the best kid ever, Ray. You are one hell of a mother.
We go back to eatin’ and just as we’re finishin’ up, my phone vibrates.
Raylynn: Thank you. You made me get all teary-eyed at work, lol. Also, is that the mall? Do not spoil my daughter, Renegade.
Too late, little love. I’m gonna spoil you, too, so just get used to it.
“Ren-Ren,” Savior says as I slide my phone into my back pocket, “can we go see Miss Irene?”
I ruffle Savior’s hair, and she giggles, playfully tryin’ to bat my hand off her head. “Of course, little one. You done eatin’?”
Savior nods in a way that I can only describe as violent, but it’s again, adorable. I don’t think this kid can be anythin’ but. Hopin’ out of her chair, I praise her when she grabs all her trash and throws it away. Most kids her age, hell, some adults my age, will just leave the trash on the table for the mall staff to clean up. Not this little girl. She’s as fiercely independent as her mom, with just as beautiful a heart.
“Mister Dylan,” Savior says as she comes back over and stops in front of Trickster with a little hop, before liftin’ her arms toward him.
For the first time, Trickster looks confused and glances at me. “She wants you to carry her, brother.”
“Is that cool with you?”
I’m kinda taken back. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Trickster bends and picks Savior up the way I do, she just isn’t as high in the air since he’s only six-foot. “Because as far as I’m concerned, she’s yours and Raylynn’s yours. I ain’t gonna do nothin’ without askin’ because I don’t want you to punch me. Hell, I remember the day I asked about her when you sent me for pizza. Thought you were gonna rip my head off my shoulders.”
I chuckle but can’t deny it because I remember that day all too well. “You were so much less annoyin’ back then.”
Savior gasps as we head toward the exit. “Ren-Ren, that isn’t a nice thing to say.”
“I’m sorry, little one, but he gets on my nerves sometimes,” I say as this little girl crosses her arms over her chest and narrows her little eyes at me.
“He hasn’t said any bad words today,” she points out, and Trickster looks at me with a smug grin.
“The day isn’t over yet, sweetie. Just give him time.”
Trickster comes to my side of the truck and gets Savior back in her booster seat, tryin’ to convince her that he’s gonna be on his best behavior today just to prove me wrong. Twenty minutes later, we pass the diner, which seems fairly calm, and pull up in front of Raylynn’s old apartment buildin’. As soon as I put Savior on the sidewalk, she off like a lightenin’ bolt up the steps. Thankfully, her legs are short enough that it isn’t hard for Trickster and I to keep up with her.
Up the stairs, she goes right to Miss Irene’s door and knocks loudly. Trickster and I stand behind her and a moment later the door opens to reveal an elderly woman with white hair that pulled up in a neat bun, and she’s wearin’ a tan type of pant-suit. Her eyes fall on Savior, and the woman’s face lights up as she bends to hug the bouncin’ little girl in front of her.
“Miss Irene,” Savior squeals as she steps back from the woman, “this is Ren-Ren and Mister Dylan. They’re Mommy’s friends. We’re stayin’ with Ren-Ren. He took me shoppin’ and we got pizza, and—”
“Whoa, honey,” Miss Irene says with a laugh, “slow down. Come inside and you can fill me in on everythin’. I’ve miss you!”
Miss Irene steps tot he side and Savior darts into the apartment as Trickster steps up. “Dylan, ma’am.” He holds his hand out to shake the woman’s, and she gives him a tight smile.
When I step up, she looks up at me and smirks. “You must be Ren-Ren?”
“Yes, ma’am. Renegade.” I hold my hand out and am surprised when the old woman bats it away and reaches up to yank me into a hug.
“I’ve heard about you,” she whispers, “and I prayed you’d come find these two one day. Raylynn speaks so highly of you.”
Standin’ straight, I stare at her in confusion. “She does?”
As Irene guides me into the house and closes the door, she nods. “I think I’m one of the few people Raylynn’s told about her past. She cares for you more than she’s willin’ to admit, and I think leavin’ you is the biggest regret of her lifetime. I always told her that things that are meant to be find a way, no matter how much we may run from ‘em or ignore ‘em.”
I don’t think I was this shocked seein’ her in the diner for the first time, and I just stare at this woman, unable to think of Somethin’ to say. She chuckles as she passes me and heads into her livin’ room, gently pattin’ me on the arm. As soon as she lowers herself onto the couch, Savior jumps up and lands next to her, goin’ on an animated speech about everythin’ that’s happened since she and Raylynn came to stay with me. I mean, everythin’— pancakes, Disney movies, who everyone is, the house we’re stayin’ in, today’s shoppin’, Trickster’s foul mouth— everythin’.
“Gentlemen shouldn’t cuss in front of young ladies,” Miss Irene says sternly, look over at Trickster.
I can’t help but laugh when he hands his head. “Yes, ma’am.”