Page 26 of Dancin' with Demons
Trickster walks over and says hi to Savior before lookin’ at me. ‘Where we goin’?”
“Takin’ the little one shoppin’.”
“And no bad words,” Savior says, pointin’ her little finger right at Trickster’s face.
He feigns innocence. “Yes, ma’am.”
While Trickster gets in the front of the truck, I open the doors and get Savior in the booster seat Sandra grabbed for us. I didn’t like the kid ridin’ around not in one because she’s too damn small. If Somethin’ happens and we get in an accident, she’d get hurt, and that ain’t Somethin’ I want happenin’, ever. Once she in ready, I close her door and hop in the driver’s seat.
“What we shoppin’ for, kiddo?” Trickster asks as he turns around enough to look at Savior in the backseat.
“Ren-Ren said we can get clothes and toys. And whatever I want.”
“Ah, man,” Trickster says with playfully enthusiasm, “you’re so lucky. Ren-Ren never buys me anythin’.”
“Maybe it’s because you use bad words,” she says in a tone that is both adorable and very serious— well, as serious as a three year old girl can be.
“Huh, maybe you’re right. If I behave, can I get a toy, too, Ren-Ren?”
I glance at the brother next to me and then reach over to smack him in the back of the head. “No. You’re a brat, and I don’t spoil brats.”
Savior’s giggle makes both of us chuckle, too. For the rest of the ride, we both talk with Savior about everythin’ from Disney movies to all the stuff she wants to do, and the girl has a list— aquarium, zoo, bounce house, fair, pettin’ zoo, and a smatterin’ of other things. By the time we pull into a parkin’ spot in front of the mall, I’ve got a hundred ideas runnin’ through my head about all the shit I’m takin’ this little one and her mother to do once I get ‘em to go to Tennessee with me.
Walkin’ into the mall, Savior decides to walk between me and Trickster. Once we’re standin’ next to the car, she grabs each of our hands, and swings ‘em back and forth. Trick and I glance at each other and at the same time, lift her off the ground and swin’ her between us. The shrill laugh that comes out of Savior is enough that I swear, three years of sufferin’ without her mother is damn near healed instantly. The entire way into the Food Court entrance, we swin’ her every few steps, and she giggle loudly each time.
“Alright, little one,” I say lookin’ down at her, “where to first?”
Savior shrugs. “I dunno. I’ve never been to the mall.”
Trickster squats down so he’s at eye-level with her. “They have a Disney store.”
Savior yanks her hand from mine as she squeals and does a quick-footed run in place. “Disney!”
Leanin’ down, I scoop her up, and lift her onto my shoulders, which makes her yell and laugh. “To the Disney store, BFG!”
Trickster cracks up. “Giant, yes. Friendly? Not really.”
“Screw you, Trick,” I say, “I’m friendly. Right, little one?”
Savior leans down and wraps her arms around my neck awkwardly. “The friendliest ever!”
Once we get to the Disney store, I take Savior off my shoulders and pretty much just let her loose. For the first half hour, she just wanders around in amazement. I remind her that she’s allowed to buy things, and about fifteen minutes into followin’ her, I notice that she picks everythin’ up, turns it upside down, and then puts it back down. Glancin’ at Trickster, his brows quirk up and I know he notices, too. Finally when she does it with a little Beauty and the Beast tea set, I go over and stop her, kneelin’ down so she can look me in the face.
“Hey,” I say, keepin’ my voice low, “what’s goin’ on, little one?”
“This stuff cost a lot,” she says with a little pout.
Lookin’ over my shoulder, the expression on Trickster’s face matches the feelin’ in my gut. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about that with me. I got it, okay?” Savior stares at me for a moment but nods. “And how do you know the prices? You’re three.”
Her sass comes back with the force of a typhoon when she rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips. “I can read, Ren-Ren. Miss Irene taught me. I can’t do the big books yet, but I can do the little ones and I know my numbers and stuff.”
Shakin’ my head, I reach out and tweak her nose gently. “You’re too damn smart, kid. Now, stop lookin’ at the prices and just pick what you want.”
Another forty minutes later, we’re walkin’ out of the store with a dozen new pajamas, a pair of Moana slippers, two different tea set, a bag full of plushies, and a Nightmare Before Christmas snow globe. Savior picked that for Raylynn. She said a store had ‘em in the window last Christmas, and Raylynn stopped to look at ‘em and tell her how much she liked ‘em. So, if that’s true, my woman is gonna get one hell of a collection because honestly, I’ve never had a woman and kid to spoil, and I already know I’m gonna constantly go overboard.
Trickster helps Savior read the map in the center of the mall, and she picks two stores to go to for clothes. It’s noon by the time this child is done, and she’s got the wardrobe fit for a fuckin’ princess, literally. Trick and I are drownin’ in shoppin’ bags. And I’m happy as fuck about it, though, by store two, I had to call and verify the purchases with my bank because they send an e-mail of a possible fraud alert. I got a good laugh out of that, too.
Givin’ Trickster my bank card, I tell him to grab lunch with Savior and find somewhere to sit while I take all these bags to the truck. It takes me two trips, and by the time I come in to sit with ‘em, they’re ready with soda and pizza. Savior has juice, though, because even though Trick offered, she said her mommy doesn’t let her have soda. Raylynn may question a lot of things but I hope she realizes that she’s one hell of a mother and has raised and amazin’kid already. As we’reeatin’, I tell ‘em both to lean in so I can send a picture to Raylynn. Savior holds her half-eaten piece of pizza up as she smiles.