Page 161 of Blush
I smile.
He leans forward and whispers, “I need to talk to you. I need to talk to you so badly, but my mom…”
“I understand,” I whisper back.
Noreen comes bustling out of the extra bedroom. “Jackson, what happened to those Egyptian cotton sheets I bought for you?”
“They’re on my bed, Mom.”
“Oh. Of course they are. Do you have an extra set?”
“Check the linen closet in the hallway. If you don’t find something you like, take the sheets off my bed and put them on the extra bed. I don’t care.”
“Goodness, I would never do that.” Noreen walks away, and I hear her pawing through the linen closet.
“I love my mother, Mandy, but I wish you were staying here with me.”
“I do, too, Jack, but you’ll be fine.” I can’t help myself. I reach toward his face, gently touch him right below his eye. “Does it hurt?”
“Actually, it feels a lot better. Looks worse than it feels at this point.”
“I’m glad. And your memory?”
“Sharp as a tack. I woke up this morning, and I didn’t have a foggy feeling anymore.”
I smile.
“Did I tell you that I remembered you before I remembered myself?”
Warmth coats me. “You did.”
“It made me realize something—”
“All settled in.” Noreen comes bustling back into the room like a tornado. “Jackson, I have to organize your linen closet. It’s a mess.”
“It’s fine, Mom.”
Jack’s father comes back with the bag. Noreen takes the large navy duffel from him, gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Drive safely, Bill. Call me when you get home.”
“Will do.”
Then he looks at Jack. “You okay, son? Anything you need before I leave?”
“No, Dad. Thanks.”
Once Bill is gone, Noreen starts messing with the linen closet.
“Mandy,” Jack says. “I really need to talk to you.”
“All right. What is it?”
“Wait a minute.” Then he yells, “Mom?”
Noreen walks in. “Yes, dear?”
“Could you go to the deli for me after all? I really want a ham on rye.”
“All that sodium wouldn’t be good for you right now.”