Page 81 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“Hey sexy,” she purrs, pulling me inside. We’ve exchanged photos the past few weeks, and surprisingly, she looks exactly like her pictures.
“Hey babe. Nice to see you in person after all this time.” I give her my best boyish grin.
I know those assholes are watching, and I’m well aware of what it looks like from an outsider’s view. Chantal saunters to the kitchen and pulls two mugs from the cabinet.
“Just made coffee. Want some?” she asks, looking over her shoulder.
I take a few steps forward and follow her, slipping the cuffs in my hand. I’m close to her body, her ass pressing against my junk, but I’m not even hard. Nothing about this situation turns me on in the slightest.
I slap one handcuff on her wrist until it clicks and then the other. She leans against me laughing. “Oh, so you’re into that kinky shit? I’m down.” Chantal glances at me, smiling wide, but I know she won’t be for long.
Her words have me chuckling as she turns around, her hands secured behind her back. Right now, she has no idea what’s going on and is clueless that, within the next hour, she’ll be sitting in jail.
“Do you want to put some pants and shoes on first?” I ask nicely, considering I could take her in just like this.
She rolls her eyes. “So you can undress me before you fuck me?”
I lift an eyebrow. “Actually, so you won’t have to sit in a cell in your underwear.”
“What’s that code for?” She giggles.
I grab her arm and lead her into the living room. “It’s not code for anything. I’m taking you in for failing to appear in court. Your bonds company isn’t too happy with you.” Neither am I for how long I’ve had to chase her.
Trying to twist around as best as she can, she gives me the dirtiest look. “What the fuck?”
I hold her steady. “I’ve been looking for you for over a month. You don’t stay put very long, do you?” I smirk when she scowls.
“You’re a bounty hunter?” It finally clicks.
“I prefer fugitive agent recovery.” I flash a smug smile and chuckle. “So, I’m taking you in, sweetheart. Do you want clothes or not?”
She begins yelling and cursing, calling me every name under the sun. “You motherfucker. You stupid motherfucking asshole.”
Her colorful language only causes me to grin. “I’ve been called that a few times. Might want to try something original.”
With flared nostrils, she tells me to fuck off as she slips on some flip-flops. I lead her outside and put her in the back seat, then buckle her in. As I walk around to the driver’s side, I see the Suburban parked on the street and can only imagine what they’re reporting back to the boss.
The closer we get to the jail, the more it begins to sink in. Chantal starts pleading with me just as most of them do. “I’ll give you whatever you want if you let me go. Money. Sex. Whatever you want. Please just release me, and we can pretend this never happened.”
Once parked outside the station, I turn and look at her. “You need to learn a lesson, Chantal. You’re obviously not a stupid woman, but what you’ve been doing to people is terrible and illegal. Now you have to pay the price. Every action has a consequence, and enough is enough,” I tell her, understanding that more than she’ll ever know.
“You’re an asshole,” she spits out.
I nod, get out of the vehicle, then remove her from the back seat. After we’re inside, she’s not booked for another thirty minutes. While we wait, she curses me under her breath. I smirk at how angry she is that she got caught and wonder how many people’s shit list I can get on today. Without a doubt, I’m at the top of hers and somewhere on Victoria’s. I have a permanent spot on Maddie’s and most likely will until my marriage ends. Maybe forever since I hurt her beyond repair.
After signing some paperwork, I go outside and catch a glimpse of Blake walking across the parking lot. I pretend he doesn’t exist, but he shoots me a shit-eating grin, knowing exactly how much he gets under my skin. If he weren’t in uniform, and we were somewhere else, I’d tell him to go eat a dick, but I refrain even if it’s torturous.
When I climb inside the truck, I look around for my spy buddies who are still following as though they have nothing better to do, then turn onto the main road. It’s nearly eleven, and time seems to have flown by. I know Sophie is most likely at rehearsal, Mason is at work, and Maddie’s avoiding me like I’m the flu, so I’ll be safe to go home. A wreck has the traffic backed up, and it takes me longer than usual. By the time I pull into the driveway, I’m mentally drained from everything that’s already happened today.