Page 80 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“Anyway…” she lingers as if she didn’t just drop a huge bomb on me. “We need to discuss our next meetup. It looks like I’ll need you here at the end of August or early September. My father’s returning from overseas and will be flying in to check on everything. I don’t have the exact dates yet, but I wanted you to be aware and ready to jump on a flight.”
“Alright.” This conversation is pretty much over. I’m done talking to her. I should be in shock by how nonchalantly she moves from one insane topic to the next, but I’m not. It just shows how immature she really is and how she wants a baby for the wrong reasons. Money drives and motivates her, and she has no problem doing whatever it takes to get what she wants, even if it means becoming a mother. Victoria just crossed a line.
“Please make sure to pack the Armani suits and your Rolex so you look like my perfect husband. Were you able to fully spend the twenty grand I gave you?”
I roll my eyes and try not to bite off my tongue as I remember the whole experience. It was more than obvious I didn’t belong when I arrived at the tailor appointment Victoria had set up for me. It was strange as hell carrying large quantities of cash and spending it on such useless shit. I hate having to pretend to be something I’m not, and it’s already wearing me down. “Yes. I bought everything you said. The suits, watches, ties, and shoes.”
She giggles. “Good. I know you didn’t want the money because you don’t like handouts, but I care about you, Liam. I genuinely want you to fit in with my family and lifestyle while I’m still in the business. Speaking of, please make sure you get a haircut before you come too. I can’t have you looking sloppy around my father.”
I’m frustrated and annoyed. If I don’t end this call soon, I’m going to end up saying something I might regret. “Listen, I hate to cut you off, but I really gotta go. I need to get back to work.”
“Why are you even still working?” She’s stalling, I know.
Thankfully, she can’t see the aggravated look on my face because she asked the dumbest fucking question I’ve ever heard. “I need to make money to pay my bills.” I deadpan.
“You can work for the family. Or move here and live with me. My offer to give you an allowance still stands.”
I suck in a deep breath, not wanting any more handouts from her after she saved my life. I don’t even know why she’d want me that involved in her life, considering she wants her freedom and out of the business. It doesn’t quite add up, but I don’t have time to analyze it right now. “And I’ve already declined. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” I don’t give her time to respond before I end the call.
Slamming my fists against the steering wheel, I let out a roar of a groan. This is so fucked up, and I wish I could go back in time and refuse to play with JJ’s money. Six months should fly by, but it seems like right now everything is happening in slow motion. Between Victoria calling all the shots and me being forced to sit back as Maddie goes on dates with players, I feel as if I’m losing all the control I once had.
Once I’ve calmed down a bit, I shift into drive, then press on the gas. I make a quick U-turn and pass the Suburban, looking at the two men who’ve been following me all morning. They turn their heads, wearing dark sunglasses, but I see just enough of their faces to be able to recognize them in public. Fuckers.
As I pull out of the parking lot, they rush forward and fall in place behind me. Chantel messages me, and as I’m waiting at a red light, I respond and let her know I’m on my way. It takes me a good twenty minutes to get across town before I pull into the driveway of an older house. One I’m sure is an Airbnb she’s renting with a stolen credit card.
I grab my cuffs and tuck them into my back pocket, leaving the car unlocked. It’ll be easier to place her inside once I have her cuffed. I don’t wear my normal gear since she’s expecting me and is willingly letting me inside. She’s not a violent threat either, but it’s better to be safe than sorry so I tuck my gun into the back of my jeans. Sucking in a deep breath with a smile on my face, I go to the door and knock. Within seconds, she’s opening it, wearing lingerie with a robe half open. Her hair is up in a high ponytail, and she’s looking at me as if I’m a piece of meat and she’s starving. Then again, she did say she wanted breakfast.