Page 3 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“Great, she’ll want my balls for ditching her last time.” Liam sucks down half his drink.
“You know Tessa?” I perk up, making a mental note to bombard her with an assload of question about him later.
“Who doesn’t?” Jase snorts. I hate to admit it, but I’m intrigued.
“Well, it was great meeting you both. I better go find her.” I tip back my cup and empty it before setting it down.
“Wait…” Liam stops me. “Don’t run off too far.” The little smirk playing on his lips makes my body shiver.
“I can only run as far as my heels allow,” I playfully say before walking away. “Unless I’m not wearing them, of course.” I glance over my shoulder and bite down on my bottom lip.
Liam arches one brow, the corner of his lips tipping up slightly as if he understands what I meant. I give him a smirk before returning to the living room that’s been transformed into a dance club. Tessa is exactly where I left her—in the middle of the room, being the life of the party—and I join her.
The beer flows freely through my blood, making me feel bold and free. I’ve been dancing since I could walk and plan to major in it in college. With my arms in the air, I sway my hips back and forth. Slowly, I move my hands down my body before the main beat of the song hits.
“Die for Me” by Post Malone, Future, and Halsey blares through the speakers. It’s my new favorite song, and it’s impossible not to move to the rhythm. In fact, I’ve started playing it while I do my warm-ups before ballet rehearsal. Tessa’s tipsy and on her way to drunk when she takes my hands in hers and interlocks our fingers as we dance to the music. Her face lights up, looking behind me, and when Halsey’s haunting voice breaks into the bridge, I feel large hands on my hips. My eyes widen as I peek over my shoulder and realize it’s Liam pressed against my back.
“Don’t stop, beautiful. You shake your ass like a fucking goddess. A goddamn temptation,” he murmurs in my ear. His touch has every part of my body lighting up, my skin sparking like fireworks on the Fourth of July. He glides his palm across my stomach, holding me tight against his hard body. We rock back and forth, moving in sync as his lips ghost across my neck.
I’m not completely inexperienced, but this is no high school boy trying to get to second base. Liam turns me around so our chests press together, making it very clear he’s aroused. Obviously, he’s not shy about what he wants. He doesn’t stop touching me as a new song starts, and we continue dancing.
Blood rushes to my ears at the thought of him wanting me. All of me. I’ve kissed guys from my school and have done oral on occasion, but Liam doesn’t strike me as the kind of man to only want a make-out session. I’d gladly give him my virginity, though, and wouldn’t think twice about it. Confidence oozes from him, and I’m positive he knows what he’s doing and wouldn’t fumble around to find my clit.
“Want another drink?” he asks with one hand wrapped around my waist as the other cups my face.
I bite down on my lower lip, looking up at him through my dark lashes. Slowly, I shake my head, hoping he understands what I’m implying. His thumb moves to my mouth, plucking my lip out from between my teeth.
“Let’s go.” He tilts his head, grabs my hand, then leads me out of the crowded room. My body buzzes, but it’s not from the alcohol. It’s from him.
He guides me upstairs, and people stand on the steps, looking at me as if they know what we’re about to do. It sends a nervous shiver down my spine at the thought of giving him my V-card.
The moment we enter a random bedroom, Liam pushes me against the door and claims my mouth. As his hands cup my face, and he presses his body against mine, my heart gallops in my chest. Sliding my tongue between his lips, I coax him to go deeper. Liam’s fingers tangle in my hair, pulling slightly until my head falls back, giving him all the access he needs. Moaning, I fist my hands in his shirt and hike my leg around his waist.
“Fuck, Maddie…” he growls as he makes his way down my neck, sucking hard. “The way you dance has my dick so fucking hard.”
My breathing increases and I try to remember that I’m not seventeen. I’m a junior in college with plenty of experience with guys. A man like him needs a woman who isn’t shy about her sexuality, and I want to be everything Liam expects and more. My internal pep talk works as I fake my confidence and slide my hand down his torso to the button of his jeans.