Page 2 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
I’m fucking ready for my first official college party.
After flashing our IDs and walking in, I study my surroundings. While I’m looking for a good time, I’m also not stupid or desperate. Everyone will be drunk, if they aren’t already, and I’ll need to pace my drinking because I’ll have to go home afterward. If I get caught, it’ll be my last night of freedom until I leave for college next year—if my parents don’t kill me first.
“Let’s take a couple of shots first, then find the keg,” Tessa says, grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd. We eventually end up in the kitchen and fill two Solo cups with beer as Tessa introduces me to a few of her friends. She’s social like me, but I’m out of my element being here. I take two tequila shots, then I suck down the rest of my beer, hoping it’ll help me feel as comfortable as Tessa looks.
After I relax a bit, Tessa loops her arms in mine, and we go into the living room where people are dancing and having a hell of a time. We shake our asses to the music that’s so loud I can barely hear my own thoughts, but the alcohol doesn’t help that either. As I lose myself to the beats, I lose track of time too. This might be the best party I’ve ever been to, and hopefully, there are many more to come.
“Maddie, right?” a guy I met earlier asks me as I refill my cup for the third time. I told Tessa I needed another drink and that I’d be right back. She was busy twerking, and I didn’t want to pull her away from the attention she was getting.
“The one and only.” I smirk, looking at him over the rim as I take a sip. “What’s your name again?”
“Jase.” His lips tilt up, looking past me and gives a head nod, motioning for someone to join us. I glance over my shoulder, and my throat goes dry the second I see a guy walking toward us wearing a devilish smirk. He’s built like the fucking Hulk—tall with muscles for days—and demands attention from every female in the room. I notice women gawking as he crosses the room, and they follow his every move.
“Liam, my man. You made it,” Jase says as he closes in on our space. They shake hands, then slap each other on the back while I stand aside like an outsider.
“Of course, I did. Wouldn’t miss the party of the year,” Liam responds. I feel tiny standing next to them, even with heels on, and I’m pretty sure Liam’s biceps are the size of my head. “Who’s your girl here?”
My eyes widen as they look at me. I’m nervous about them realizing I’m underage and remember I’m supposed to be a twenty-one-year-old college student. Puffing out my chest a bit, I find my confidence and grin.
“I’m Maddie,” I tell him, holding out my hand. “And I’m not his girl. Or anyone’s, rather,” I say, and I know he buys my act when a wide grin splits his face.
“I’m Liam. Pleasure to meet you, not Jase’s girl.” He takes my hand, then leans in close, pressing his lips to my ear. “Best news I’ve heard all fuckin’ week.” Pulling back, he releases me and winks.
I’m quite sure he can hear the thumping of my heart in my chest, but I swallow down my nerves and square my shoulders. Is this how college guys are? They don’t shy away from what they want and claim you as theirs for the night with just one look.
“Let’s get you a drink, man. Gotta tell me about your fugitive.” Jase bumps his shoulder, then hands Liam a cup filled to the brim.
Fugitive? I furrow my brows, confused.
“This motherfucker…” Liam shakes his head, laughing. “He had me chasing him to hell and back this week. Missed his court date, didn’t contact his parole officer, then skipped town. But I found him, tackled his ass to the ground, then cuffed him. Might’ve broken his nose first, but…oops. My bad.”
“That doesn’t sound legal…” I blurt out without thinking, and they both look at me. “What do you do exactly?” I ask, then take a sip to shut my mouth.
“Homeboy’s a bounty hunter,” Jase responds proudly.
“Fugitive recovery agent,” Liam corrects. “And legal? Well…depends on who’s asking.” He flashes me another wink, sending butterflies straight to my stomach. Holy hell.
“You do that while going to school?” I look at him, noticing his eyes are a deep blue.
“Graduated in May,” he says. “I’m not from here, but my job takes me all over. Figured while I was visiting, I’d stop by and give Jase some shit.”
“Oh, you know you missed me,” Jase teases. “She came with Tessa, by the way.”