Page 24 of Double Daddies
“Jesus, Mackenzie, anyone ever tell you howfuckableyou are?”
I wrinkled my nose and turned to look out the window, when suddenly I felt his fingers on my leg again.
“Goddamnit!” I spat, shoving his hand away angrily. “I saidno, didn’t I? Like ten fucking times?”
Justin muttered something about me being a “tease” and floored it, yanking the wheel when we got to the huge front gates of Wilder’s estate, roaring up the driveway.
Great, I was lateandthey’d see me getting dropped off by the guy they knew I’d been out with the other night.
…For a second, I wondered if I’d get “punished” again, and my cheeks burned at the thought.
“You know,some girlswould like suck a dick or something. You know, show a little fucking gratitude?”
I narrowed my eyes at Justin.
“I hope you drive off the road.”
I slammed the door, ignoring Justin’s incredibly lame and rushed apologies and that he’d “totally go down on me after.”
Yeah, uh, no thanks.
I flipped him off as I walked away, smiling when I heard him swear some more and then peel out back down the driveway.
I sighed as I headed around the side of the huge house to the back entrance by the kitchen. It’d been alongtwenty-four hours, and I was just glad to be home. Also, there was a heat burning inside of me. It’d been there all day, lingering under the surface and hiding behind my confusion about how I felt forbothWilder and Lincoln. But now that I was back, the confusion was starting to fade.
The plain truth was, there wasn’toneof them I wanted more than the other. Andthatwas what was so freaking confusing about the whole thing. I couldn’t “pick” one, because, well, I just couldn’t.
I wanted them both. Iwantedthem both, in a way that made me feel alive, and sultry, and sexy and dirty all at once. They made me feel protected, and comforted, and really if I thought about it — and even if I’d beensucha brat to them since I’d arrived — they made me feel like part of a family in a way I’d never really felt before.
…Wasthatpart of the fantasy with them? Them swooping in to save me and take me away and make every shitty part of my life better? I guess I’d always wanted someone to protect me like them — someone to be that firm hand to guide me and watch me. I’d never had a dad — not a real one at least. I had a biological father who never wanted me anyways and who’d barely ever acknowledged me.
Something burned hot in me as I stepped up to the back deck.
Maybe adaddywas what I needed.
…Maybe I neededtwoof them, to make up for all those years of never having one.
I shivered, the naughty heat bubbling up inside of me and teasing through my body. I fished for my keys in my bag. I was late, but screw it. I doubted either of them were exactly going to do—
The dooryankedopen in front of me, making me gasp as I jumped a step back.
His shoulders heaved, and his jaw was set hard — those piercing, fierce dark eyes of his burning right into me.
“You’relate,” he growled lowly, his gaze darkening as his eyes slid over me.
“Yeah, well, get over it.”
He’d dismissed me the night before, and flat out ignored me the next morning. Then he’d disappearedallday without once talking to me about what had happened the night before.
…Yeah, you could say I had a little bit of a chip on my shoulder about it, which is why the sass came out like that.
Wilder’s eyesblazed.