Page 23 of Double Daddies
“And you know you’re blood to me too,” I said fiercely back. “And you know you just say the word and I’mgone. She’s yours, because no girl is ever going to tear our friendship apart.”
Wilder smiled thinly. “She’s notmine, though. She’sher. And you’re right, she can’t and won’t tear us apart as friends.”
“So what thefuckdo we do?”
Wilder was quiet a second, his eyes twitching like he was thinking before finally, he went still. He knocked back the rest of his drink and looked up at me.
“Anyoneelse in the world, and I’d be furious right now. You know that. If it was any other guy, I’d be losing my fucking mind right now. But, not with you. Maybe it’s cause we’re who we are, and because of how close we are. I’m notmadat you for today, Linc.”
“So what do we do?” I sighed. “I mean we can’t both have her.”
“Says who?”
Wilder’s words made me freeze, my glass halfway to my lips. Slowly, I lowered it, and looked over at him.
“I said who says we can’t both have her.” And slowly, he started to smile. “Like I said, any other guy and I’d be considering murder right now. But there’s no jealousy with you. Look, I know the way she looks at you. Just like I’m not blind to the way she looks at me, or how I know her bullshit ‘brat’ attitude is just to get under our skin. I know the sounds I heard her make the other night when I put my hands on her.”
Wilder took a deep breath.
“So who says we can’tbothhave her?”
Slowly, I nodded, my cock throbbing rock hard. “She does look at you the same way she looks at me.” Hell, I’d noticed it too.
“She can be a real handful,” Wilder said lowly.
“Little brat like that,” I made a tsking sound with my teeth as the hungry grin spread across my face. “Might be she needstwicethe discipline.”
Something sparked in Wilder’s eyes as he started to nod.
“Might be, she needstwicethe daddy.”
“C’mon, babe. Quit being such a fucking tease.”
I jerked away from Justin’s hand, swearing at him at I slapped it away.
“Stop it,” I spat, moving as far against the passenger door as I could. Yeah, the ride had been aterribleidea.
It’d all started the morning after Lincoln and I had come crashing together. I’d holed up in my room the rest of the night — scared of what we’d done meant and scared of running into Wilder and having him see the truth all over my face. Ilovedwhat’d happened with Lincoln, but I felt weirdlyterrible, for itnothaving been Wilder I was with.
…Considering I’d never had a boyfriend, the whole thing was beyond confusing.
That morning, I’d ducked out earlier, grabbing a small pack with some snacks and water, and my hiking boots, going out for a long trail walk in Wilder’s acreage. I had to clear my head, and also, I had to get out of the house I shared with thetwomen who I had such conflicting and uncontrollable feelings for.
But a small hike had turned into a much longer one, andthathad turned into me taking back trails and side roads all the way into the small little downtown area of our town. It was there that I realize that, for one, I wasmilesfrom home, and two, my feet were absolutely killing me.
That’s also where I’d bumped into Justin — college douchebag quarterback Justin — who’d offered to drive me home. I knew the risk involved, and I knew from the way he talked to my tits that his whole “what,justa ride” bullshit was, well, bullshit. But I took him up on it anyways.
Well, the ride had turned into a forced date.
First, he insisted on getting food, but that I was “welcomed to go hitchhike if I didn’t want to wait.” I’d sat there glaring at him as he’d wolfed down a burger and a beer, and then a second beer, before he’dfinallyagreed to drive me. But then, we’d bumped into a bunch of his douchebag friends in the parking lot, andanotherhour had gone by, until suddenly the day was gone, it was dark, and Ijustwanted to get the hell home.
I was alsotechnicallypast my curfew at that point, but I wasn’t worried about it. I was too worried about Justin keeping his damn eyes on the road, and his damn handsawayfrom my thigh.