Page 6 of Christmas Stalking
“I’m sorry. I guess I ah—”
“It’s fine, Bells. You’re on edge, which is understandable. I promise there is no way he knows where you are. There are three states that separate you from your old home.” I nod, knowing she’s right. “I’m going to see about getting a security system out there, but everyone is so damn backed up,” she mutters, annoyed. Nina doesn’t handle it well when someone doesn’t hop to when she issues orders.
“I’m locking up tight, and I have my stun gun,” I remind her. “I’ll be okay.”
“You’re going to shoot yourself with that thing.”
“Am not.” Little does she know, I shot someone else. I’m actually pretty proud of myself that I was able to do it. Not that it did much. But still.
“I’ll handle it. Someone will be out there soon to set you up with a system. You need an alarm.”
“The last one didn’t seem to do much,” I remind her.
“I’m going to figure this out,” she reassures me.
“Okay,” I sigh.
“I’ll call you in the morning.” We say our goodbyes, ending the call. I stare at my phone in my hand.
I didn’t have a giant social life back home, but now knowing there are only two people that I can call or that have my number has loneliness sinking in. I usually enjoy being alone. I can get lost in my work. But it’s different when you have no choice.
I slip my phone into my back pocket, wanting to keep it close. I’m still a little leery with everything that went down tonight. I try to get lost in some unpacking to pass the time. I grab a soda from the fridge after I’ve been at it for a while. When I see the time, I realize only thirty minutes have passed. I really hate unpacking.
Pulling my phone back out, I look up some information on chickens. The likelihood of someone skulking around in dark clothes, stealing chicken eggs in the middle of the night doesn’t sound right. The chicken must not be laying them as Marly first thought. I spend the next twenty minutes gathering whatever information I can.
“I want a chicken.” I’d have to build a chicken coop. That’s not happening. I can’t even unpack. Don’t they get cold outside? I thought I saw a few snowflakes out earlier in the day. I quickly realize that I in no way can have a chicken. I’d worry, and I’m doing enough of that about myself. I don’t need to add to it.
I read over the reasons a chicken would stop laying eggs suddenly. There are nine suggestions. My favorite is the chicken just being broody.
Before I can think better of it, I pull my phone out and text Jackson, remembering his number when he spouted it off. I send him the link about the chickens. I watch as it shows he read the text. The bubbles pop up, and I know he’s texting me back.
I have your number but still need your name.
I’ll be by to fix your door in the morning.
You don’t have to do that!
I broke it. So I’ll fix it.
I tasered you.
As you should have.
I smile down at the phone.
You really don’t have to.
I wasn’t asking.
His response should annoy me, but for some reason I only smile bigger.
I staythe night at Marly’s house or, to be more precise, I sit on Marly’s porch and keep watch over Bell. I wonder if that’s short for something. It’s a cute name and fits her doll-like features perfectly. There’s probably some kind of mental disorder that I can be tagged with because no normal man decides he wants a woman based on the sound of her voice, but there was something about her that struck me to my core—and gave me a raging hard-on. It really didn’t matter what she looked like; her delicate lips, round face and pink cheeks are a bonus. My body reacted viscerally to her voice. I’d have taken her if she looked like Shrek himself.