Page 5 of Christmas Stalking
David sighs. “A person writes what they know. I know men with bad taste in clothes.”
“By bad, you mean so bad it’s good.” Ted leans close to Marly. “Anyway, since David writes mysteries, we’ll help you solve this problem.”
“My brother is a security expert. That’s why he’s here.” Marly jerks her thumb toward me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the curtain in the front window twitch. We must look like menaces standing outside this woman’s home, after Marly accused her of witchcraft. I take Marly’s arm.
“Let’s move this party inside. I think we can rule out your neighbor doing something to cause your hens anxiety. She seems like the kind to keep to herself.”
“You always have to be careful of the quiet ones,” Marly proclaims as I march her across the lawn to her house. She leans around me. “Isn’t that right, David?”
“It can make a story spicier,” he agrees.
“It’s not her,” I tell the group. We climb onto the porch, and I push everyone inside.
“How can you be sure?”
“Because my future wife isn’t going to be hexing my sister’s chickens.”
“Your what?” Marly practically shouts.
“Nowthisis a spicy story.” Ted rubs his hands together.
“Agreed.” David’s eyes light up.
I hang my head in my hands. If anyone is a coven of silliness, it’s us.
I peek out of the curtains as my new neighbors linger next door. I’m supposed to be laying low. This is the opposite of low. But I can’t help but stand here watching Jackson. The man has an air about him that’s filled with a soft dominance. I didn’t know that could be a thing, but here we are. I mean, I shot him with a taser and he barely reacted. Not only that, he didn't get mad about it either. I think most men would have lost their shit.
He turnshis attention back to my house. I jump back from the window, not wanting to get caught snooping. I don’t want to be known as a nosey neighbor. I’ll go from witch to Karen in two seconds. I’d rather they continue to think I’m a witch.
I don’t think Marly’s chickens are hexed because that’s crazy, but to be honest, this whole thing is. Someone has to be stealing the eggs. Why? Who steals chicken eggs? It’s strange. She said someone was dressed in all black in her backyard last night.
“Oh gosh.” I rush back over toward my door to make sure it’s locked. The destroyed chain hangs from the door. Not good. I’ll order another one, but I’m not sure I’ll know how to install it.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath.I will not have a panic attack. I grab the wall to steady my balance. Willing myself to not have a panic attack isn’t working. I slide my hand along the wall, guiding myself over toward the sofa, dropping myself onto it when I get there. I continue trying to use the calming techniques I’ve learned and steady my breaths.
Who the heck is lingering around this small neighborhood dressed in all black? I push the thought out, knowing it’s not helping right now. I suck in a deeper breath, my mind racing. Three. The word spins in my mind until I latch on to its meaning. The rule of three like Liberty taught me.
“I see boxes, the coffee table, the chicken painting.” I tap my finger against my knee as I wiggle my toes before I rotate my ankle. What do I hear? The wind. Everything else is utterly quiet. I smell paint, and the deep masculine smell of Jackson lingers. I go with that, unable to hear three sounds.
“It worked.” I rub my sweaty palms down my jeans. “I did it. I stopped it.” I smile, proud of myself. The man lurking in all black comes back to mind, but I don’t break out in a full panic this time. I get up to go find my phone. I triple check all the windows and doors to make sure everything is locked up tight.
I grab my anxiety medicine and take one. I hate them. They always make me tired, but it’s better than having a breakdown. That’s what scares me more than anything. What if my stalker did find me and break in? Would I stand there paralyzed and have a panic attack unable to defend myself? I hate that I have to worry about these things. I fight back the tears at the hopeless feeling that makes my chest feel hollow.
“Bells? You there?” My agent answers on the first ring.
“I’m here. I just had a small scare.”
“What was it?” I hear her moving around. She’s in her office, I’m sure. The woman lives in it. I’ve never met anyone that works harder than her.
“It’s probably nothing, but the woman who lives next door says someone dressed in all black stole her chicken eggs.” The line goes quiet for a long moment.
“Stole her chicken eggs.” As Nina repeats what I said, a laugh pops out of me. I can just imagine the look on her face.