Page 32 of The Wife the Spaniard Never Forgot
His hand returned to her thigh and backside, soothing her while causing goosebumps to scatter across her skin and her heart to jerk once more in her chest.
‘Shh... It’s okay,’ he soothed. ‘I’ve got you.’
She felt him drop downwards and she tried to look around, but he gently slapped her backside and she understood the silent command. Shock and delight raged to life and pulled her back towards another orgasm.
‘What—?’ Her words were cut off by a cry of shock drenched pleasure.
Palms braced against the wall, Javier had nudged her legs apart and found her with his tongue. ‘I can’t... I’m not...’ Her hapless protest died on her tongue and he laved her, filled her with the most intimate and carnal of kisses. The growl of his own satisfied pleasure vibrated against her core, and he whispered adoring words so at odds with the sinful act. Her breasts pressed into the cool stone, clashing with the heat coursing across her skin, her nipples aching from blessed icy relief.
He pulled her hips back slightly so that she fell even harder against his open mouth, and again she cried out. One hand reached upwards to claim her breast, finding her nipple, and he filled her again with his tongue.
She grabbed the hand that had claimed her breast. Pressing it against the lush roundness he tormented, she pleaded for him, to feel him inside her, to be able to orgasm around him, with him. She thought she’d said it out loud. She hoped she had, but once again that madness drew her and she wasn’t sure, until she felt him withdraw and stand from the floor.
‘Please, Javi.’
She reached behind her, impatient and desperate, grasping the button of trousers strained by the power of his need. A desire-drunk laugh escaped her husband and he batted her hands away, the sound of the zip being drawn down a musical promise.
She felt the heat of him against her back, the shiver of arousal passing from her to him and back again, as he gently pushed her legs wider, angling her where he needed her. Her heart pounded in her throat so hard with expectation she thought it might stop, until he bent his head and whispered indecently erotic descriptions of how she made him feel in her ear as he pushed so deliciously slowly into her from behind.
Her forehead fell against the smooth whitewashed wall as she trembled with the force of her bliss. He didn’t stop whispering as he filled her, deeply, so deeply that she didn’t know where she stopped and he began and somewhere in her soul she felt as if the indefinable thing that had been missing was suddenly found. She was surrounded by him, covered and possessed by him utterly, and sherevelledin it, wanting, begging for more.
There was nothing familiar about this primal need coursing through her, verging on obsession. She had turned into a wanton creature—wanting his touch, wanting his words, his body to completely own hers. He began to thrust, slowly at first, bringing sweet sighs and simple pleasure slowly building towards an inconceivable point both out of her reach and worryingly close.
But then his clever fingers delved between her legs and sharp pinpoints of pleasure fired through her, raising goosebumps and uncontrollable shivers across her body. His thrusts became powerful, rapid, hurling her towards yet another orgasm that she wasn’t ready for but wanted more than her next breath.
The sounds around them were an erotic cacophony of breathless pants, sweat-soaked skin slapping against sweat-soaked skin, a crescendo of growls and moans and prayers and curses that peaked on a roar as they came together in a soul-shattering moment that broke them into pieces mid-air and reformed them both into something new as they fell back to earth.
Javier was genuinely worried about opening his eyes—concerned that he really had hit his head in the car accident, that all of this was in fact some concussion-induced fantasy.
Bracing himself, he gingerly opened his eyes half an inch and had never been so happy to see that damn ceramic parrot in his entire life. And then Emily turned into his chest, sweeping her arm across it, and pulled herself into his side and he would have sworn on everything he had of value that his heart turned in his chest.
‘Shh...’ Emily whispered.
‘I didn’t say anything.’
‘You’re thinking too loudly,’ she insisted.
He shook his head, unable to stop the smile from spreading across his lips. He peered down at her and she scrunched her eyes together. ‘I’m sleeping. Stop it.’
But he couldn’t. His hands roamed his wife’s naked body as if imprinting every inch of her on them, in his mind and into his soul.
‘Oh, God, you’re insatiable! No more sex,’ she cried in mock horror, turning away from him, causing him to laugh so deeply it hurt his ribs. She was warm against his body and he couldn’t resist finding the angle where her neck met her shoulder and nuzzled kisses into it.
‘I wasn’t joking, Javi,’ she groused, but moved her head to give him better access. ‘And if I don’t eat something soon, I might faint. I’m not joking about that either,’ she said.
‘Don’t worry,esposa, you will have everything you could ever wish for.’
He got up from the sofa he’d managed to pull them towards with his last coherent thought before that delicious blanket of satiated need had blocked out all else, making sure the throw he’d placed over Emily was enough.
He ran a hand through his hair, refusing to look at the wall where he’d taken her so desperately and so madly in case he grew hard yet again.Cristo. Their lovemaking had always been extraordinary, but that had been something altogether different—new—and simply indescribable.
He grabbed his trousers and thrust them on, not bothering to fasten the clasp. He wasn’t sure how long they’d stay on anyway, he thought a little smugly. As he pulled leftovers from the fridge—cold meats, tortilla, olives and Manchego—and put them onto a tray he realised he was trying to work out how much longer he could stay away from work.
They’d returned to Madrid for his checkup, where the Chief of Surgery had been more happy than shocked that his memory had miraculously returned. Javier had been given the okay to return to his local doctor for his final checkup, which was in two days. But beyond that?