Page 31 of The Wife the Spaniard Never Forgot
‘I am done with her,’ Javier repeated with such vehemence he felt it in his soul. ‘She is not a mother. She is not capable of such love. There is a selfishness in her that destroys. And no more. I will give her no more money and no more time.’
No more of me.
There was a fire burning in his words that rent the bonds he felt towards Renata. And while he felt the split down into his soul, Emily’s open acceptance, the simplicity of her touch, the innocence of it undid at least some of the damage Renata had caused that day.
‘I am sorry.’ Her simple words doused the flames his mother had incited.
‘It is not your fault,’ he dismissed, wanting to hold on to his anger even as Emily’s presence soothed, even as her words unravelled his fury.
‘I am not taking responsibility. I am offering sympathy and understanding.’
He scrabbled to hold onto the bitterness and the anger, because if he didn’t reach for that he would reach for Emily. And even in the grip of madness he knew that the deal he’d made with her was sacrosanct. She was the only good thing he had left and if he lost her...
‘You should go,’ he told her, trying to turn away from her embrace.
‘Emily, please. Go. Now,’ he commanded, the hold he had on his restraint feather-light and failing.
‘I’m not going anywhere,’ she said, holding onto him through the storm of feelings that were thick and tangible in the air between them. She rose on her tiptoes and pressed hot, sweet lips to his. ‘I don’t need any more time, Javi,’ she said against his mouth, in between kisses that destroyed him.
Sweetness turned salty and he realised that her tears had slipped between his palm and her cheek. She was crying. For him. And it nearly broke him.
‘The deal—’ he tried.
‘The deal is done. I want to come home,’ she begged as she teased his lips open with her tongue. ‘Please. Let me come home.’
Shocked, he trembled with the force of his restraint—what she was offering, what he wanted to take, it was almost too much. Her final plea was his undoing and it tore every last shred of his self-control. As if freed from invisible bonds that he’d strained against for far too long, Javier launched forward, sweeping her up into his arms.
Emily’s cry of satisfaction was lost in the passionate onslaught that engulfed them both. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her high against him, his arms beneath her thighs and his hands fisting her backside. She tore at his shirt, pulling and snapping buttons that went flying across the floor, whilst also trying to take off her own top at the same time. A few short steps had her back pressed against the wall of the living room—a momentary pause in the chaos created by the way he took her mouth. She offered no resistance, her mouth opening to his, wide and welcoming, her tongue beckoning him deeper, harder as it mirrored how he wanted to fill her elsewhere.
The moan of pleasure seeped from her throat into his mouth, catching his arousal in a velvet fist and squeezing. She leaned forward from the wall, the heat between her open legs pressing against the hard length of him. It was madness in his blood, how much he wanted her. Heat crept up from the base of his spine, reaching the back of his neck as his mind flooded with images of what he wanted to do to his wife.Withhis wife. But this raw primal urgency was something new to him and nothing like he’d ever experienced before.
He pulled back to look at Emily—her eyes wide, glazed with an eagerness that only served to goad him.
‘Emily—’ he begged with his last shred of decency.
‘I want you as you are,’ she whispered, her words staccato, in between sharp breaths. ‘I want you likethis,’ she said, pulling at his shirt.
He didn’t know himself like this, but in her eyes he could see that she was asking him to trust her. Trust thatsheknew him enough. It was all it took to break the final thread holding him back. Need coursed through his body in the space of a single heartbeat—wild and untameable by anyone but her. The feral thing that his desire had become demanded and keened his need.
He shifted his hold, letting her slide slowly, carefully, down the length of his body, enjoying the friction of her hips, her breasts, her hands clinging to him until her toes reached the floor.
He turned her in his arms, stepping them even closer to the wall, reaching for her hands and placing them on the wall either side of her, nearly losing control when she backed up against his erection, her head falling back against his shoulder, restless and needy. His curses littered the air as he ran his hands around her ribs and up over breasts that filled his palms to perfection.
Emily pressed against the wall to stop herself from trembling with the need that was a living thing unwinding in her. She was half terrified that it wouldn’t be, couldn’t be, satiated. It was too much to be contained. She had never wanted like this—this powerfully, thismuch. It consumed her.
Javier’s hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs playing with painfully taut nipples, the ache and throb agitating in the most delicious of ways. Her entire body flashed over with heat, prickling and stinging, and Emily thought she might actually lose her mind to this, tohim, and couldn’t bring herself to care.
One hand left her breasts and, embarrassingly, she cried out at the loss. Feverish, she flexed her fingers against the stone wall, grasping nothing but more and more need. Then he pulled her against him and with his free hand he fisted her skirt at her thigh. Inch by inch he raised the material, as if teasing them both, until his fingers reached her skin beneath the bunched cotton. He palmed the back of her thigh, reaching higher and higher, her breath hitching in her chest—as desperate for what he was seeking as he seemed. He found the band of her panties and pulled, a hard jerk that tore the silk from her body in a way that made her hot and wet in a single breath.
The sob flew from her throat as he ran his thumb across her clitoris and down and back, her hips bucking and shaking, aware of the hard length of him pressed against her. Begging words, pleas, some intelligible, some not, fell from her lips but he was ruthless in his pursuit of her orgasm as if he wanted to punish her—them—with pleasure alone.
She felt him use her wetness to ease the path his fingers created, to gentle the delicious friction she craved. Her sex ached with the need to be filled by him as her climax climbed higher and higher. Carefully he pinched the bundle of nerves that throbbed and she cried out, her arms collapsing slightly, as he reached around her to brace them both against the wall.
Emily lost herself as a sea of sensation crashed over her in fiery heat and ice-cold shivers. Longing and need and desire ran through her veins, her body overtaken by pure instinctive feeling. She felt every single inch of her impending orgasm, building touch by touch, gasp by gasp, creeping towards her without mercy. Her whole body flushed with expectation and excitement and as her climax nipped at her toes and fingers she held her breath and...drowned in pleasure.
Waves and waves and waves of pleasure, urged on by Javier, who never stopped touching her, never stopped delighting in the orgasm that rolled through her body again and again. Utterly spent, her head fell forward against the wall, thankful for the way his body supported hers, preventing her from falling to the ground.