Page 101 of Cody's Girl
“I don’t have anything here to wear. Unless you want me to sleep in my dress.”
“Shoot, I forgot.” I got up and went to get her one of my old football jerseys and threw on a pair of shorts while I was at it. I tossed the jersey to her, and she pulled it on over her wet hair, big mistake. It came down to about her knees and hid everything, but still, it was the sexiest damn thing I’d ever seen. What the hell?
“Now, who’s looking like what?”
She’s right; even I could feel the heat in my gaze. “You fucked up, babe.”
“How? What did I do?”
“You opened the gate; now he’s out and refuses to go back in.” I looked down at the tent my dick made in my shorts, something else that made her howl with laughter until I put her in a fireman hold and took her back to the bedroom, where I spread her out on her back in my bed and took her again. Who’s laughing now?
What followed for us was a week of bliss. We didn’t exactly take out a billboard, but we didn’t have to; I was just too silly in love to hide it. Jess figured it out first and made my life a living hell. There were more snide innuendos and cryptic remarks being thrown around until poor Alexis caught on, and then she joined in the fray. Cody’s friends didn’t say anything, though I’d seen a few looks here and there, but I’m sure Cody put the fear of hades in them if they said anything, so for once, they were on their best behavior.
Meanwhile, I’d forgotten all about Susie, lost as I was in my own little world. But as luck would have it, she found out because someone else put it on blast. It wasn’t exactly a billboard, but the school’s social media page is just as effective. The headline read, and I quote, “Which hotshot football quarterback was seen buying extra-large condoms?” At least they had the decency to block out his face, but really? Who couldn’t guess?
The comments were what made things lively, though, like the enterprising person whose comment stood out above the rest and got the most likes. ‘Looks like the drought is over for our campus’ most eligible bachelor. He had a good run, but the little filly from nowhere came in from behind and beat everyone else out by a furlong.’ That one I’m saving for posterity. Though when I told Cody I was going to have it framed, he grumbled and gave me the stink eye.
As for the condoms, I hate them; that’s why I went undercover to get myself on the pill, and thank heavens no one was lurking about to broadcast that little bit of news. As expected, word got back to Susie, and it didn’t help matters when the new license plate arrived.
Cody’s reaction kept my mind off of her for a few more days, and I got lots of loving because he was so pleased. Well done me! But as pleased as he was, someone else was ready to bring down the whole campus around my ears. Such an overreaction for a piece of metal that’s not even worth fifty bucks. But I hear tell it was a doozy.
There were tantrums to be had while my name was being dragged through the mud. Last I heard, I was little more than a fallen skank who was just using Cody because of his future prospects in the pros. And the most laughable of all, I’d given himself to make him want me. Pot, meet kettle. I guess she’d come up with that one based on her own experiences.
I wasn’t around to witness any of it because I’d been avoiding her since the night of the party for two reasons, one I was too preoccupied with my new favorite pastime to care, but as it turns out, she’d noticed our absences in the dining hall, but really, who had time to eat fruit and salad when there was something else on the menu?
I’ve ignored Jess’ crass comments about me being vegan and eating meat. I hold myself responsible since I’m the one who asked her for instructions on how to eat said meat. Lesson learned.
And the other reason I’ve been avoiding that nut is because she was on some kind of tear about the party. Hers was set for tomorrow night, or so I’ve heard, and apparently, people had expectations. Good luck with that. If she can throw a party to out beat Blaire Davenport, I’d eat my shoe.
Word around the sorority is that she’d been asked to pay thousands in damages for what she’d done to her room, and no one was happy with her right now. Not only that, but she’s proven to be smarter than she appears because she’s already making noises about me throwing a party to upstage her. So it was more for self-preservation that I’ve been keeping a low profile in those parts for now.