Page 100 of Cody's Girl
And of course, like he’d said earlier, I’m studying the sciences to prepare me for my career choice, so I had to see what was going on with that and how better to do that than to take it in my hand. How was I to know that the sensation would still be heightened through the material of his slacks?
A few innocent strokes had led to him ripping my dress away, thankfully not actually tearing it, not that I would’ve cared. And before I knew it, I had his hot pulsating flesh in my hand, fixated like the virgin I am, was, and all his pleading to stop fell on deaf ears.
I forgot all about science classes as I watched it grow and then the thing that sent him spiraling over the edge. I saw that little bead of liquid gather at the tip like a pearl and rubbed my finger over it. His “Oh fuck!” Barely got a notice out of me. I was more focused on the way his body bucked and that liquid spilled into my hand.
From there, it’s pretty much a blur. I thought we were going back to kissing when he threw me on my back and climbed on top of me. I didn’t even realize that I was still holding him, still stroking him even faster now as our mouths dueled each other. And then he did tear my underwear, but by then, I was in need of something I couldn’t name until I felt him enter me, and then I knew.
This is what my body was hungering for. Even the slight pain didn’t dissuade me from my quest to get all of him inside of me. I don’t know why he’s complaining now; he sure wasn’t then. Speaking of which, “I have only one question.” I was still curled up in his lap on the floor.
“What’s that, baby?”
“When can we do it again?”
“No time soon; you’re too sore. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” He got to his feet without jarring me and walked towards the shower. Thank heavens for the perks of the star football player. He has his own private room and bath, which is a good thing because an hour ago, I wasn’t thinking anything about roommates.
He stood me on my feet and turned on the shower. “Are we showering together?”
“Get that look out of your eyes. I’m just coming in to take care of you.” Yup, that’s just what I’m thinking.
“Lisa, are you on the pill?”
“No, why would I be…. Ohhhh.” Her Pikachu face!
“Don’t panic. Do you want to go to the pharmacy? Get that morning after pill?”
“No, it should be safe.” She counted down on her fingers. “What do you know about the morning after pill?” She looked at me with suspicion.
“I thought everybody knew about it. There were flyers all over campus.”
“I’ve never seen them.”
“That was years ago before you came here.” I’m still a bit stunned, trying to get my bearings, and now I want to kick my own ass.
I can get away with putting the blame on her the first time, but the second and third were all me, and now after the fact, I remember to ask the most important question of all; is she protected? Don’t get me wrong, those babies she mentioned earlier are definitely in the making, but they’d better stay the hell in there for a little while longer.
She didn’t seem phased, so I’m guessing she was safe, or she was putting on an act for me. “Hey, look at me. No, not that look; clear your face and try again.” I tied my towel around me a little snugger like that was going to stop Miss. Grabby and she snorted juice out of her nose, laughing.
“You’re safe for now, hotshot; I’m a little sore.” Damn, right you are.
“I told your greedy ass.”
“Hey, you’re the one who started it the last time.”
“Yeah, because you were rubbing your ass on my dick.”
“Not my fault your shower is so small; I was trying to turn around.” She batted her lashes at me, and I might’ve believed her if I wasn’t there.
I didn’t call her out anymore, though, because even though she’d done everything but drop the damn soap, it was my lack of control that had her ass up in the shower with her hands on the wall being drilled like a porn star from behind. That was the second time; the third time happened when she dropped the towel and walked into the kitchen, claiming that she was too hot to wear it.
I came in behind her to find her bent over inside the refrigerator. She only looked back over her shoulder that time, and I was on her, and in her, before she could blink. Now I’m sitting here wondering what the hell happened to my self-control. “Baby, have pity on me; please put something on.”