Page 11 of Back To You
“That can be arranged, handsome.” Placing her forehead against mine, she releases a soft sound at the back of her throat. “Do you get any downtime in those six months?”
“A week at the middle, and I usually stay where I’m at.”
“What about your family?” Her fingers play with mine, running soothing circles over each digit. “Do you come back to visit them? Maybe I can meet you wherever they are?”
The hope in her voice does things to me. She wants this too.
“My parents live in California, and I’ll see them at Christmas. We’ll see them then.” I add at the end, so she knows that we are an item. She goes where I go, and vice versa. “And your parents?”
“They live in Europe. Dad works there, and I won’t see them again until graduation.”
“Why so long? Do you have any other family here?” I don’t want to leave her alone. For once, I wish my own family lived closer. Maybe I can talk Mom and Dad into leaving the Hollywood Hills for a few months and house sit? Being well off has advantages, and I’m not above cashing one in now.
I grew up with money. A family that has worked in Hollywood for decades, and I am the only one in this generation that skipped the tradition. Producing movies wasn’t in my blood; medicine is. I’m just lucky enough to have parents that encourage and let me live my life at my speed. My terms.
“Quit worrying, dork. I have Crissy and her family here.”
“Get used to it.” Moreover, because I can, I steal a quick kiss. “I’ll always worry about you.”
“Ditto,” she whispers almost too low for me to hear her, but I do, and before I can ask her what she means, she carries on. “To answer the second part of your question, I won’t see them because they just left. Literally three days ago, they flew out after spending two weeks with me.”
“Okay. I’ll take that.”
“Listen, Nick.” Gone is the wistfulness of her smile—Mila sits back and stares deep into my eyes. In silence, I watch her square her shoulders and face me with a determination that is sexy as fuck. “This thing between us won’t be easy...It’ll be hard, but can be done. Let’s enjoy this week—each other, and then focus on building something amazing while you save lives and I finish school.”
“Thank you. There’s something about you that just won’t let me walk away,” I whisper just as Evan and Crystal come back. Mila nods at my words and then faces our friends. They’re both a bit quiet, and I wonder if the two had their own conversation.
Evan’s leaving with me on this tour as one of the general practitioners and will be gone a tiny bit longer than me. Almost a year, and that’s hard on even the most stable relationships. He’s wary, as am I, but this spark between this girl and I can’t be denied.
I’d be an idiot to dismiss it.
“Everything okay?” my girl asks, and her best friend nods. The girls share a look, but don’t say anything else on the matter as plates of food arrive. “Ummm, we didn’t order any of this?”
“We did,” Crystal explains as Evan grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze. The hint of tightness around her eyes dissipates, and she looks at him with a smile. “Figured it’d be easier if we ordered what we knew you guys would eat.”
“Works for me.” Mila digs in, and we follow. There’s still so much to talk about, but for now I’m happy. Truly at peace.
Jesus, and I’ve only known her for less than twenty-four hours.
These six months—being away—will be the death of me.