Page 10 of Back To You
“Sure, sir.”
Once he walks away again, I look at Crystal. “You were explaining why you girls are here? Vacation?”
“Yeah, we’re done with school for a few weeks and decided to come be bums at the beach.” She takes the lemon wedge and squeezes, adding the flavor to her tea. “We’re from Charleston, actually. Not that far from here.”
“You work at or attend...?” I trail off, hoping for more information. I need to know it all. Every damn last bit about this beautiful woman beside me.
“We attend College of Charleston,” Mimi pipes in, leaning toward me a bit. “We’re studying early childhood education, with a minor in business management. Our dream is to open a daycare that holds preschool classes for children entering elementary the following year. It’s easier for kids to transition from one setting to the next when they know their surroundings. They’re growing and learning with the same kids they’ve been socializing with for years.”
“How old are you, beautiful?” Because the way she speaks about her goals and dreams comes across like someone who’s way past her twenties. Most people after graduating high school have no idea what to do with themselves, much less put this much thought into it.
“Twenty-one.” I knew she was young, but that’s more than I thought. “And you?”
I hear her, but my mind still lingers on her age. Mila is perfectly legal, and it’s not putting me off. The opposite, really.
I get to teach her things. Guide her. Love her.
Jesus, listen to me. I’m thinking about love already.
My pussy is showing, and I don’t find myself minding. The more I look into her eyes, I find myself wanting it all. Every. Fucking. Thing.
“I’m thirty-six. Will that be a problem?” And I’m being nice by asking, because after kissing those sweet lips, I’ll never accept her walking away. Even if I have to leave her soon.
That thought is sobering and reminds me of my pending trip. In a week, I leave for El Salvador—six months where I’ll be assisting with the aftermath of their latest volcano eruption. They need help, and I need to remind myself of this as the thought of leaving her behind causes my heart to clench hard inside my chest.
She notices the change in me and cups my jaw tenderly. “Not at all. I find it hot, to be honest.”
“Good.” Nuzzling her palm, I intertwine our fingers and bring them to rest on her thigh. “Because I’d just work a little harder to change your mind if it did.” Adding a wink, I turn back and notice that we are alone at the moment.
Evan and Crystal are standing at the bar talking with our waiter. He’s writing something down on his pad and nodding. As if sensing my eyes on them, he looks over and nods to the door signaling that they’ll be back in a bit.
Two seconds after they walk away, Mila’s phone rings and she laughs. “He’s literally walking her to the restroom. Thinks she might get lost in the process.”
“I’d do the same.”
“Would you, now?”
“Not would...more like will.”
Mila tilts her head to the side; she’s looking at me with an expression I can’t quite decipher. “You won’t always be with me, Nick. Your work takes you away, and I’m in Charleston all year.”
“I know.” Fuck, I hate this. Wish I could just take her with me, but how fair would that be? I work long and sometimes grueling hours in remote parts of the world; I’d abandon her for hours on end, leave her to fend for herself while away from everyone she knows. “You have no idea how much I’m dreading my next trip—”
“When do you leave again?” There’s a hint of sadness in her eyes. “How long do I have you for?”
“You have me forever.” At the truth behind my words she gasps, lips slightly parted, and I want to kiss her so badly. However, I don’t. This conversation needs to happen, and while we just met and it’s fast, we feel right. We’re something I’m not going to question.
“How can any of this be, Nick? We just—”
“Are,” I finish for her, and she nods in understanding. Mila feels this. This electrical current that pulses between us, a need so palpable that it consumes. “As for the second part of your question; I leave in a week for El Salvador. My contract is for six months, and I can’t back out now, even though every part of me want to say fuck it and hide away with you.”
“I’d never ask you to do that,” she says low, her body heat closer now. With her unoccupied hand, she fists my shirt and pulls me so I hover over her lips. Her exhale is sweet agony, and at the same times give me life. “What you do is important, Nicholas. Beautiful, to be honest, and I’ll never keep you from helping others.”
“What are you saying, beautiful? Explain, please.” Yeah, I’m desperate and don’t give a fuck. Sometimes life presents you an opportunity that is life changing, and she is that for me. I know this. Meeting Mila today is fate, and I’ll do what I need to secure her in my life.
“It means that we will make this work.” Thank you, God. “That I will wait for you.” She pecks my lips and I groan, causing a smile to form on that luscious mouth. “We can get to know each other in the meantime.” A nip to my jaw. “Skype, emails, and even cheesy love letters can be exchanged while you’re there.”
“What about naughty pictures just for your boyfriend?” I ask her, letting her know that I leave here being hers as she is mine.