Page 91 of Biker's Baby Girl
We rode in as close as we could and hid our bikes at the base of the mountain, which was more of a steep hill than anything else. “We walk it the rest of the way in.” I gave the order and moved in ahead of the other three.
Each of us had our own reasons for being here, but even if we didn’t have a personal stake, this shit was something that any red blooded American male should take care of. Anything that involved causing harm to women or children should be dealt with swiftly and without an ounce of give a fuck.
We got there and walked into a trap. “You guys are late.” What the fuck? Fucking soldier boys are slick as shit. “Law, fancy seeing you here.” The head SEAL or the one who looked to be in charge of the others was giving the Tyler guy shit but he didn’t seem to mind too much.
“Kill the shit Lyon your woman sold you out.”
“Kat? What the fuck?”
“Apparently she’s been on with you for the last little while up until roughly an hour or so ago, when you went off grid. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that shit out.”
“Uh-huh, tell your soldier boy fucks if they’re not here to play get the fuck down off the hill I got shit to do and bullets don’t know no names.” He started some shit about my head being hard but I was already on the move.
Ty met me halfway so I guess he’d squared shit with his keeper, and since they all fell in behind us I guess they figured they might as well join in.
I’ma deal with Kat’s interfering ass, she ought to know better, damn snitch. The last thing I told her was that I was going to be off grid for a few, so her calling Law was to try to stop me, although she had no idea what the fuck I was up to.
I guess after you’ve lived with someone for as long as we’ve been living together you get to know them pretty well. Oh well, she can badger me to death when I was done taking care of this shit.
The SEAL leader and Law headed into the trees. Their plan was to pick the fuckers off as we smoked them out, murdering fucks.
I watched them all branch off in different directions ducking and shit like we were in the middle of the fucking jungle or some fuck. “What the fuck are you doing soldier boy?” I asked Tyler who was the only one left in the clear with me.
“Ambush, we don’t know what we’re walking into so it’s best we approach with caution.”
“How about walking up to the fucking door and shooting the first motherfucker to answer?”
The kid actually dragged me off the path and into the bushes. If this is the shit they did in the army no wonder we were gone for fucking ever in other people’s country. “What the fuck am I doing back here?”
“We let the others get into position. I’m gonna blow the door as soon as we get the all clear.” Now he was whispering and looking around like we were expecting a fucking invasion. What the fuck is this shit?
“What the fuck? You ever think if you soldier boy fucks had walked up to this Fox fuck and put one between his eyes we won’t be here now?” Fucker had the nerve to laugh at me.
“Lyon you’re alright.” We got real serious real quick once the others got into place and started whistling in code and shit. Me, I was waiting for assholes to appear so I could take care of shit and get home to my woman.
“Be right back, stay here.” There was a noise on the wind that sounded kind of like the elements to me, but as soon as Ty heard it he sprung into action.
I watched him disappear right before my fucking eyes and my respect for him went up a notch. Next thing I knew the sky lit up like the fourth of July and it was fucking on.
I knew what my pigeon looked like from the pic they had passed around earlier, but I kept my eyes focused in the direction Ty had gone because I knew for sure he had a hard-on as big as mine for the fuck.
Men were climbing out of trees and shit, people were running everywhere, total chaos but I kept moving forward until I found my boy crouched beside the porch just waiting.
“Here he is.”
“Fuck.” I barely moved out the way when he leapt through the air and took down the fucker. His fists connected with flesh at a rapid rate and all I could think was, when the fuck did we start making super soldiers in this fuck? Shit, wasn’t gonna be none left for me if he kept this shit up.