Page 90 of Biker's Baby Girl
Finally, I was gonna get my hands on this fuck. It had been weeks since he’d flown the coop and I’ve been getting more than a little antsy. We’d thrown that book aside in lieu of the files when we’d first got back to the compound after the raid.
Back then we were more interested in looking for evidence that would lead us to who was committing crimes in our little paradise. Never once did any of us think it would turn into this.
The first inkling we had that it may be something is when my brother Dev had leafed through it and found the notations in the back. Being in the service all those years, we’d never really ran into anything like that. I’m guessing that was more along the lines of the F.B.I or some shit, but we had a feeling that the shit was off even though whoever had complied it had tried to be slick.
We’d already suspected that there was a trafficking ring working out of our back yard, and this Stockton fuck was knee deep in the shit, but until then we had no real leads. The book had opened up a whole new avenue.
Now these men had come together and we were finally piecing some of the shit that was missing together. I’m sure that we were only tapping the surface, but for now I would be satisfied with getting my own back from this motherfucker.
A few weeks ago he’d done a number on my woman and left her near death and chained up in a hotel room like a fucking dog. Lucky for him he hadn’t gotten around to the ultimate violation, not for lack of trying. But my girl had fought the disgusting pig and damn near lost her life for it. Now it looked like it was time to give him his due.
I’d left my woman back there asleep, well fucked and rested. We were still new so every opportunity alone was an opportunity to fuck, not to mention I was on a mission to breed, so every time I looked at her I was in her.
She had no idea what the fuck we were doing here; none of our women did as far as I can tell. Lo had given them some story about visiting an old friend and giving them time away from home where they’ve been virtual prisoners for the last few weeks.
They ran with that shit and as far as I could see were having the time of their lives. Victoria-Lyn was all healed up and already giving me shit, joining ranks with her sisters and the baby to make us do fucking cartwheels to please them. Fucking females.
Now as I watched the other three mount up, I took their measure. It was the first time I’ve ever gone on an Op without my brothers and it felt strange, almost like a betrayal. I almost turned back, almost. But then I remembered her battered and broken and decided I could live with it.
Creed I knew but the other two were unknowns. The younger one I now knew was very deceptive with his smiling shit. My brother Con had done a run as soon as we got back to the RV and learned as much as was known about his family, which wasn’t much, which in itself was enough of a red flag.
We’d learned enough to know that he was not to be fucked with, which was good enough for me. The other one, Lyon, reminded me of the CO, the man who had commanded us as SEALs. He had that same ‘give a fuck’ attitude, the one my brothers and I had adopted. I like him; in fact I liked all the men we’d met in the last day.
It was for that reason that I didn’t mind too much that it wasn’t my brothers going on this run with me, though I’d have preferred it. But any way I could put an end to this shit was fine with me.
I rode out behind them since I didn’t know where the fuck we were headed. Lo was gonna skin my ass but that’s okay, as long as I put an end to Stockton, I can deal with it.
I hope these fucks know that I’m not leaving these hills without killing this fucker, and if anyone gets in the way they’re pretty much fucked too. I missed my boys at my back but this was fine too, needed to get shit done.
Kat was texting me every five minutes because she knew some fuck was wrong and I was running out of excuses. On top of that it looked like I was going to be spending the night away from her for the first fucking time ever. That shit just earned this fucker an extra bullet.